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Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) compatability?

Oct 05 at 3:38:55 PM
manyo360 (0)

< Cherub >
Posts: 1 - Joined: 11/28/2016
we have a thriving TECMO SUPER BOWL community up here in the pacific northwest, playing several live tournaments throughout the year... a few times a year, we get together to run TSB seasons using Everdrives so we can customize our team rosters, playing on original consoles and CRT TVs (lag is critical to avoid in this game).... our process is we save the state at the boxscore screen onto the Everdrive's SD card, take the SD card to a computer and using a program another person created we take the state, extract the data and upload it to a website (, merge all the data (stats, conditions, etc.) onto a new ROM, then load those back onto each individual SD card (sometimes 8 of them at a time!) for the next week of the season......... however, this process, as we have found, is a real bitch--it's slow, labor-intensive and is sometimes wonky in other ways...... BUT-now that I have paired my AVS with a very low-lag flatscreen TV, thus qualifying it for use in a tecmo tournament, I would like to explore that option further, so..........

QUESTION: Using the AVS, is there a way to use the scoreboard option to get the data we need from the cart---which could be either an Everdrive with a customized TSB ROM, or alternatively an original TSB cart---to a linked computer?  Which would be a huge deal for us in itself, if yes, but even further, if perhaps a bit pie-in-the-sky: can we send a new ROM (with the merged data, for the next week's games) from the computer back to the AVS or Everdrive?

Please forgive me if any of these questions are dumb, I'm not super literate on the technology behind all of these things, but if necessary I could enlist someone who is supremely literate on these Tecmo-related matters to come over and converse here instead, I'm just the Idea Guy exploring options..... MAHALO!

PS---If this were to work out, I can guarantee a lot of AVS's would be sold, not just to us, but to other Tecmo leagues/tournaments around the nation, of which there are several and we would be the vanguard / hype-men for it all, rest assured.

Edited: 10/05/2019 at 04:01 PM by manyo360