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Takara / SNK Port Mail-away freebies (book covers, rubber mini figures)

Sep 11, 2016 at 5:42:18 PM
tubeway (2)
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(Stan Kay) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 494 - Joined: 12/30/2009
New York
Hey guys. Back in the middle of the 16-bit era, when Takara was porting Neo Geo titles to the Super Nintendo and Genesis, I often saw advertisements for free mail-away items you could receive if you simply Takara an envelope with some postage. If I remember correctly, they were giving away little rubber figures (similar to what you might receive in a capsule vending machine) for a Fatal Fury title, and they were also giving away these full-color bookcover prints for King of the Monsters.

Did anyone here mail away for these and successfully receive them? I periodically check ebay, but haven't found any of these. Does anyone know if the rubber figures were exclusive to this promotion, or maybe just overstock from Japan?