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Reproduction Help with 29f016 and TSOP Saving not working

Dec 24, 2016 at 5:34:19 PM
Syco54645 (0)

< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 37 - Joined: 08/17/2016
So I usually use a 27c801 and 29F032 for repros but decided to give the 29F016 a try. Everything is working fine from a hardware side, I can ID, program, verify the chips. The game even plays when I put it in the SNES but that is where the issues end. The first game I tried was Dezaemon. On this game the controls were odd, I believe I had 1 function aith ABXY and saving isn't working.
The second is Aerobiz (not supersonic) as I wanted a smaller game that supported sram and this was just off the top of my head. This game only has 2 button function on ABXY so not a great game to test with however saving does not work here either. The 29F016 have an extra 8 pins that are all NC and where A21 would be on a 29f032 chip is NC on the 29f016 (which makes sense because it is smaller). Does anyone have any ideas here? I much prefer using the TSOP chips.
Also should note I replaced the batteries on both of the boards and they saved just fine with the original game.



Edited: 12/26/2016 at 02:09 PM by Syco54645