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Sep 24, 2012 at 10:04:34 PM
Drippy (87)
< Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2265 - Joined: 03/06/2010
United States

Edited: 02/07/2015 at 08:12 PM by Drippy

Sep 24, 2012 at 10:34:00 PM
ThatNintendoGuy (47)
(Jason B) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1431 - Joined: 12/08/2009
Dude your in High School and its all drama I wouldn't really give her much thought, she seems to have a lot of drama already.
EDIT: I forgot to mention it was a lot to read


Edited: 09/24/2012 at 10:35 PM by ThatNintendoGuy

Sep 24, 2012 at 10:37:57 PM
Drippy (87)
< Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2265 - Joined: 03/06/2010
United States
Originally posted by: ThatNintendoGuy

Dude your in High School and its all drama I wouldn't really give her much thought, she seems to have a lot of drama already.

Edited: 02/07/2015 at 08:12 PM by Drippy

Sep 24, 2012 at 10:41:11 PM
farmerdwight (37)
(Dwight Schrute) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 508 - Joined: 07/26/2012
It does seem that you were "asking her out" when you said something to the effect of "do you think we could go on a legit date?" Maybe it didn't seem that serious to you but she took it more literally so that put her off a bit. Same with the "do you still love me or hate me". The joke to you was taken in a bad way to her. But that's in the past. Unless she's the type to really hold a grudge, she should forget about it eventually especially since that was when she was with her boyfriend whom she has now broken it off with. Plus you apologized, regardless of whether you meant it. If you're still interested in her, then go ahead and be friends and maybe it will turn into something more. Just don't push too hard cause you know how she reacts to your "jokes". Just be sure she's worth the trouble, though. If she's a little kooky and is too emotional or whatever or doesn't know how to take a joke, maybe it's best not to try and have a relationship with her.

Sep 24, 2012 at 10:51:46 PM
L0RL0R89 (12)
Posts: 1046 - Joined: 04/24/2012
Yeah for me I would take the question "do you think we could go on a legit date?" as asking out on a date in the near future. However I think this is the only part I didn't agree with you. She did not handle things with her boyfriend at the time very well in my opinion, if she was going back and forth about going through with the break up it should have been better known to you. I know some girls don't like to be very honest all the time about feelings but I always feel like honesty is the best thing. So if she did think that you wanted to go out on a date in the near future she should have said something like "well I can't because I'm not single yet", not just a worthless "maybe" like she did. I know receiving answers like maybes or sometime from guys always drives me nuts and I end up dwelling on something much longer than necessary.

In all I wouldn't sweat it, she sounds like a very unstable girl so you won't be missing out on anything. I think in social situations just act casual and amicable, but also air on the side of caution and disinterest in her since you are very likely to be around her again. She will eventually figure out that she was the idiot in this situation, but who knows when. Hopefully NA helps you move on and before you know it you'll be on to better ones!

Sep 24, 2012 at 11:33:03 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Dude you clearly asked her out, and you never did get a straight answer if she was single. Just because some immature dingy HS chick says she's going to ditch her boyfriend doesn't make it past tense, it means it didn't happen until she says it already happened. You over stepped your boundaries and did do what you said you wouldn't, tried to score a date with a chick involved with a dude in the military. She saw your as a friend, interested in your company, and then as she likely saw it, as soon as you heard she was going to dump her boyfriend you tried to move in.

Dude you creeped her out, you needed her to come to you. Either way she sounds like an unstable indecisive bimbo if she was willing not to wait for some dude who was in boot for a short stretch and waffled the whole time scouting out potential new ass (you) and then she chickened out, you assumed she dumped the dude and put your foot in it.

Cut her off, and if you need to since it's HS, have your friend spread she's the liar as she came for you and said she was dumping the dude. or just leave it.

Sep 25, 2012 at 12:19:32 AM
punkr13 (115)
(B Rye) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4632 - Joined: 04/25/2011
Ok man, ya your big mistake was actually having feelings for this girl, she has some issues and when you pressure a girl with issues they usually flip out. Which indeed happened here....
That hanging out together alot means you both dug each other but the variable here was her boyfriend. It seems like she wanted an escape, a relationship that was present when her actual bf wasn't around. Maybe after you popped the question she realized that guilt, girls are really emotional and emotional cheating is probably worst than f'ing around.
You should really try and get over this and learn from it.
Shit happens, go do your thing or try new things to make a new start.
Sure it sucks losing a friendship and a girl you thought would make a good gf. But power on thorugh and let it be your pass , the quicker the better man


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Sep 25, 2012 at 12:27:04 AM
ClaytonBigsby (26)
(Ryan Whitney) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2170 - Joined: 08/10/2010
yiiiiikes, did you fuck this girl? scratch that, even if you did, who cares? it's only life man, and judging by the story you might have come off like a "clinger" to this girl. The key is to not show that you care at all.............then she'll come running back

the equivalent to 1000 words or it never happened!!!!!

Sep 25, 2012 at 12:34:16 AM
dra600n (300)
(Adym \m/) < Bonk >
Posts: 16976 - Joined: 09/16/2010
We're only being told what you want us to hear. It sounds like you became overbearing, and there was an obvious loss of communication between you both somewhere. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. Learn from the situation and let it sit. The minute you asked her out, and didn't really offer her a valid opinion on her "breaking up" with the boyfriend could have been a trap to get you to show an interest in her, which is what you did by asking her out more often, asked her on a legit date, and started texting her more. Girls don't like a sudden increase in attention, especially when they know you are aware they are in a vulnerable state.

Proud owner of post #1800 in Inner Circle HQ thread

Sep 25, 2012 at 1:09:53 AM
Samhain (33)
(Trevor Fediuk) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1063 - Joined: 04/24/2012
My personal advice: Most girls (and guys for that matter) love a mysterious, untouchable, charismatic person. You made a pretty bold first move with the actual date and do you love/hate me comment. I know you didn't do anything bad. It's on her if her and her boyfriend broke up just as long as you let her make up her own mind.

Do you know why most girls love as$holes? Because they act confident and as though they don't care. The trick is to do this without being a complete dick. Go out and do stuff with her, just not all the time. Don't always be available and never break other plans unless it's urgent. Let her know that you have fun without her (without saying "without you") act as though you don't care what she or others think about you. Ask her what she thinks of other girls you find cute. You may get an answer based on her reaction but again, there are girls out there that want to remain friends but still don't want you with another girl because she doesn't want to lose you as a friend. There are things you can do within comfort levels of course, that allow you to know if she's into you.

Basically do the opposite of what you did. You just came on a little too strong dude. I know it's tough when you're thinking "if I don't talk/spend time with her, she may lose interest". You just have to accept that some people just don't feel the same way as you do about them. I don't know anyone that has had a crush and not feel the way you do. Just keep it cool man, don't wear your emotions on your sleve. Sometimes you have to bite your tongue and let them make the first move. Some women are hard to read others not so much, but with time and practice, you'll get it.

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Sep 25, 2012 at 6:36:43 AM
Drippy (87)
< Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2265 - Joined: 03/06/2010
United States

Edited: 02/07/2015 at 08:12 PM by Drippy

Sep 25, 2012 at 8:49:08 AM
jonebone (554)
(Collector Extraordinaire) < Luigi >
Posts: 26638 - Joined: 11/20/2008
Sorry to hear that bud, but just chalk it up as a learning experience. The female mind operates much differently from ours, and you can only learn through experience.

Basically, you were stuck in the "friend zone" it sounds like. You came on too strong with the date question, but you just live and learn and move on.

This was no real fault of your own, you're young and learning. You learn about women through failed relationships or failed dates. How do you know what you like in a woman if you've never had a falling out? Now you know not to come on so strong and to give them their space.

Women like attention, but not constant attention. They want you to be a boyfriend and not a father. A text like "Hey, I'm bored, let me know if you want to hang out later" is good, a text like "Where are you, what are you doing?" is bad. They're both getting to the same point (hanging out), but the subtle wording is extremely important.

You don't have to be an asshole, just be carefree. I know it'll be hard now but just be civil with her when you see her. Say "Hi, how are you" or something. Don't ask her to meet up, don't ask her who she hung out with this weekend, just be carefree and civil. If she misses you, she'll come back. If she doesn't, you'll move on and find another.

GL bud!

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Sep 25, 2012 at 9:02:08 AM
captmorgandrinker (572)
(My Dick Smells Like Chapstick) < Bonk >
Posts: 17932 - Joined: 08/17/2009
Originally posted by: GAMERBONES

Yeah for me I would take the question "do you think we could go on a legit date?" as asking out on a date in the near future. However I think this is the only part I didn't agree with you. She did not handle things with her boyfriend at the time very well in my opinion, if she was going back and forth about going through with the break up it should have been better known to you. I know some girls don't like to be very honest all the time about feelings but I always feel like honesty is the best thing. So if she did think that you wanted to go out on a date in the near future she should have said something like "well I can't because I'm not single yet", not just a worthless "maybe" like she did. I know receiving answers like maybes or sometime from guys always drives me nuts and I end up dwelling on something much longer than necessary.

In all I wouldn't sweat it, she sounds like a very unstable girl so you won't be missing out on anything. I think in social situations just act casual and amicable, but also air on the side of caution and disinterest in her since you are very likely to be around her again. She will eventually figure out that she was the idiot in this situation, but who knows when. Hopefully NA helps you move on and before you know it you'll be on to better ones!
Originally posted by: dra600n

We're only being told what you want us to hear. It sounds like you became overbearing, and there was an obvious loss of communication between you both somewhere. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. Learn from the situation and let it sit. The minute you asked her out, and didn't really offer her a valid opinion on her "breaking up" with the boyfriend could have been a trap to get you to show an interest in her, which is what you did by asking her out more often, asked her on a legit date, and started texting her more. Girls don't like a sudden increase in attention, especially when they know you are aware they are in a vulnerable state.

Originally posted by: jonebone

Sorry to hear that bud, but just chalk it up as a learning experience. The female mind operates much differently from ours, and you can only learn through experience.

Basically, you were stuck in the "friend zone" it sounds like. You came on too strong with the date question, but you just live and learn and move on.

This was no real fault of your own, you're young and learning. You learn about women through failed relationships or failed dates. How do you know what you like in a woman if you've never had a falling out? Now you know not to come on so strong and to give them their space.

Women like attention, but not constant attention. They want you to be a boyfriend and not a father. A text like "Hey, I'm bored, let me know if you want to hang out later" is good, a text like "Where are you, what are you doing?" is bad. They're both getting to the same point (hanging out), but the subtle wording is extremely important.

You don't have to be an asshole, just be carefree. I know it'll be hard now but just be civil with her when you see her. Say "Hi, how are you" or something. Don't ask her to meet up, don't ask her who she hung out with this weekend, just be carefree and civil. If she misses you, she'll come back. If she doesn't, you'll move on and find another.

GL bud!
^^^^And these.

From the wall of text you posted, I can tell that you are way more into this girl than you're letting on.   She doesn't feel the same way, so either you misread her (she may have been hanging out with you to get with your friend), or she changed her mind.  Either way, you gotta let it go.  Plenty more fish in the sea.

Sep 25, 2012 at 9:20:48 AM
Drippy (87)
< Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2265 - Joined: 03/06/2010
United States

Edited: 02/07/2015 at 08:12 PM by Drippy

Sep 25, 2012 at 9:26:35 AM
suicidalparrot (126)
(matt s) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1618 - Joined: 09/18/2010
I agree with the above post (captmorgandrinker) and the quotes therein. Chalk it up as a learning experience and move past her, man. There's a lot more life ahead for you and and a lot more girls to meet.

Edited: 09/25/2012 at 09:28 AM by suicidalparrot

Sep 25, 2012 at 9:37:16 AM
T3rra (85)
(Terra ) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3251 - Joined: 03/26/2011
Kind of sad, but I saw several similarities to myself in high school while reading.

A little foreground before the background. Currently I'm married, happily, at 5 years. I'll be 26 next month. So, my experience means there is hope.

I had the same deal a few years back. There were (a few) girls that I was becoming pretty good friends with over the summer. We kept in close communication through lengthy emails and instant messaging (before texting).

Eventually I asked one, that I was interested in, out. She then pretty much said no, and I may have pressed the issue (don't really remember, but maybe). Stuff started to break down after that. Which sucked, but I was able to move on.

Same story with two other girls. lol... pretty lame. One actually said she was interested in me, but after a while decided she wasn't.

It sucked, and hurt, and my clingy nature probably read way too far in to the friendships to begin with. We would hang out and have a great time, our conversations on the phone/email would last forever. But it never worked out.

But hey, it was high school. I was too young to be serious about a relationship. I was much happier when I found my wife. The goal is to find someone who can put up with your cling . But seriously... don't worry about it. Drop contact if that's what she wants. The more you try to explain the worse you will look.

Sep 25, 2012 at 9:52:38 AM
jonebone (554)
(Collector Extraordinaire) < Luigi >
Posts: 26638 - Joined: 11/20/2008
Originally posted by: Drippy

I don't think she wanted to be with my friend, because of the fact she started asking to do things with just me.
And that's the mistake.  From what I've seen, girls are very capable of having male 1 on 1 friendships that are strictly friendships.  But as a fellow male, when you're single, I know there is always the temptation to pursue any of your female friends that are also single and attractive.  It's just how we are, or at least how I was.

Just try to avoid getting in the friend zone in the first place.  Or if you are in the friend zone, you have to be able to make her laugh if you ever want a chance at getting out.  Romantic advances can be weird in the friend zone, but if you both are just having great times and laughing together, it's possible for a bond to develop.

WTB CIB MINT Games: NES - SNES - N64 - Sega Genesis - Turbografx 16
Last Beat: West of Loathing (Switch)
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Sep 25, 2012 at 11:44:46 AM
Indigo_Streetlight (48)
(John Smith) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2456 - Joined: 01/16/2011
One good rule I've discovered is DO NOT pursue any woman who is attached, semi-attached, or is otherwise in an ambiguous state. She might have been doing the usual 'playing the field' or 'having her cake and eating it too' and one thing you don't want to do is commit yourself to a person who doesn't have their head straight. It's quite possible she was looking to hook up with you while the boyfriend was away, but later had a wake-up call from her conscience...which leads her to blame you for the temptation and to break things off so she can resume the previous relationship. I've seen it before, man--you gotta watch out for women looking to use you as a sideproject or as the temporary backup dude.

That night the Captain’s granddaughter
Would celebrate her birthday
“I’ve come a long way,” said the Captain,
“From Lost Christabel this night.
Accompanied by my dog familiar,
To blast your rafters with my surprise.
Granddaughter, It’s a foreign mirror
Taken from the jungle by crime!”

~ Blue Oyster Cult - Magna of Illusion

Edited: 09/25/2012 at 11:45 AM by Indigo_Streetlight

Sep 25, 2012 at 1:29:58 PM
Drippy (87)
< Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2265 - Joined: 03/06/2010
United States

Edited: 02/07/2015 at 08:12 PM by Drippy

Sep 25, 2012 at 1:38:20 PM
SavePointVG (351)
(Wilder Hamm) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1182 - Joined: 04/24/2012
North Carolina
I wouldn't hear it when I was younger but you will meet a ton of people down the road and have many more chances.

Family guy to cheer you up:

Edited: 09/25/2012 at 01:40 PM by SavePointVG

Sep 25, 2012 at 1:50:39 PM
SamSpade (61)
(Joey Pimkowski) < Bowser >
Posts: 6464 - Joined: 05/23/2010
Dude, just act like you don't give a shit and be a total asshole to her. Women love it when you treat them like shit. Hell, don't even make it an act, plenty of girls out there, no need to get hung up on one. The worst thing you can do is just focus on one girl, it ends up making you seem really creepy in the long run. It's alot better when you let things happen naturally anyways, don't force yourself on people and you'd be amazed how everything works out. Good luck duder, don't let one chick drag you down, plenty of time down the road to let some bitch destroy your life, it's called marriage.



Sep 25, 2012 at 2:04:27 PM
Piko (51)
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< King Solomon >
Posts: 3185 - Joined: 12/29/2011
New Hampshire
Hey Drippy, first of all a true friend will remain a friend even if you do the worst thing to them.

secondly, why want to be with someone that does not want to be with you.

thirdly, this is so much better for you!!! why? because imagine that you and her started to go out and then all of the sudden, when you are IN a relationship together she flips out on you like that.
pain would have been greater.

Find another girl. one less crazy




Sep 25, 2012 at 2:13:17 PM
gamerdude27 (12)
(Nic ) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 436 - Joined: 08/23/2012
New Brunswick
Don't sell yourself short. Just retract, move on. I've been in this situation before focus on yourself and leave her be. Like others have mention she might then be more interested in you afterwards. My experience whenever a girl was being pursued( by someone she was either mildly interested in or not) she'd neglect the guy and say similar things to what your girl said, But man if the guy got himself a gf boy oh boy did she all of sudden start paying attention. She needs to work some stuff out, and trust me HS is like not important at all 2 months down the line. Also someone else will I dunno crap in a mail box and everybody will forget that you were trying to get with this girl, HS drama is constantly changing.

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Sep 25, 2012 at 4:26:11 PM
Jobber8742 (185)
(Jeff Kilgard) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1660 - Joined: 06/23/2010
If you're just looking for closure, just send her pretty much the exact message in your original post. Don't confront her about it anymoe. If she wants to pursue it further, she'll come to you. If not, oh well, you move on with closure while letting her know your feelings about how the whole thing went down.

"I'm not a nerd, I'm a video game enthusiast"

Sep 25, 2012 at 4:48:51 PM
VideoGamesIzFun (44)
(Justin B) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1259 - Joined: 04/15/2010
Hey OP I read your OP but didn't read the responses to the thread so not sure where you at with this sitch right now but let me tell you that IMO from my perspective you blew it. Now don't take this as a bad thing this chick is obviously a psycho bitch. Basically you started off good but from my experience of dealing with chicks with boyfriends (that may or may not break up with their boyfriend) rule number 1 is never bring up the boyfriend. His name alone is going to cock block you and make things awkward. Women like to want what they don't have or can't have. When she brought up that she was going to break up with him it was a test to see where you were at. You failed this test by showing interest a proper response would have been "You are still dating him?"....

Sorry have to cut this post short because I gotta goto work but basically when a chick calls/texts and wants to hang out all the time it's just fine but when you start doing it you are clingy, obssessed, smothering, ect. <-- Moral of the story

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