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Writing for VideoGameTrader Magazine Project: Comprehensive NES Collector's Price Guide

Apr 1, 2012 at 5:30:25 AM
Euripides (102)
(Ryan "Euripides" Kent) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 592 - Joined: 11/02/2009
Hail NA!
I'm sure many of you out there are familiar with Video Game Trader magazine and its priceguide app? For those of you who aren't go over to and check it out. The mighty Euripides himself is to tackle a new project, to revamp and update the VGT price guide! Specifically, to take over and maintain the NES section of the guide.

The guide as it sits is fairly good, but far from where it could be. I'm looking to make this into a comprehensive list to include all things NES. I want to include and organize all licensed, unlicensed, cart variations (labels, # of screws, cartridge color), homebrews, reproductions, limited editions, pirates, strategy guides & hintbooks, updated accessory lists, add CIBs into the prices & completely fill in all the blanks on all things NES!

I'm working on the list now if anyone NA has any suggestions or contributions they'd like to throw out. I'm going to be taking pictures for some of the more rare and exotic items to post within the guide and add in collector tips all along the way.

So, with the official NA price guide on hiatus right now this will definetly aid in creating an excellent opportunity to put a great guide out there! Also, regarding the magazine, I'm currently working on possible perks for NA members and those who offer aid. Maybe get some plugs for the site in there.

Let me know your thoughts NA, I'm looking to make this a great one! Cheers!

- Euripides -

*Edit* Also thinking of including prices for manuals and boxes along with each game. I.E. it would read the cart price, manual, box, then CIB.

Bring Your Own Beard
- The Mighty Euripides -

Edited: 04/01/2012 at 05:42 AM by Euripides

Apr 1, 2012 at 11:23:28 AM
Sticky (185)
(Sn0 Bro) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2093 - Joined: 01/17/2010
United States
How is your guide formatted? Do you start with excel? If you do, it would be cool to have a featured game of the month or something, where you highlight it's price change over time with a graph, then maybe if the info is apparent enough toss out a quick blurb about why it may have spiked in price - like say Kid Icarus now with the release of the new 3DS game and the fact that it's difficult to find one in nice shape. Let me know if I can help!

I'd be willing to contriube to that portion if you'd be willing to share the charts before they are published.

Edited: 04/01/2012 at 11:24 AM by Sticky

Apr 1, 2012 at 12:08:20 PM
K.Thrower (120)
(Kenny Boy) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8800 - Joined: 08/08/2010
Nice to hear, sounds like it will stand head and shoulders above previous attempts. Which issue will your guide appear in?

Ready for adventure!

Apr 1, 2012 at 12:11:22 PM
TWarwick07 (85)
(Kung Fu Master) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4139 - Joined: 01/23/2012
New Jersey
Good luck with the project and it would be nice to have an updated guide the site i use seems to be a little below the going rate so i always think i may be paying to much. i hope you get this running and will look forward to using it when it is finished

Edited: 04/01/2012 at 12:11 PM by TWarwick07

Apr 1, 2012 at 12:11:58 PM
Mr.Nintendo (383)
(el- rocko) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4247 - Joined: 04/11/2010
excellent ryan. i read that regular. it annoyed me when they cut the lists down to rares, i noticed there's a bunch of lynx titles that are impossible to find and only marked a dollar. don't know how that's accurate, they must really suck to be a dollar and none around


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