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Not Nintendo, but game + Tech related (Gamate handheld screen repair)

Feb 22, 2013 at 7:11:48 PM
fcgamer (101)

(Dave ) < Bowser >
Posts: 7353 - Joined: 01/22/2008
Hi everyone, I recently purchased a Gamate portable gaming device, which was manufactured in the late 80s or early 90s to compete with the Game Boy.  Here is a wiki for those who are not familiar with this:

The problem though, is that the screen is basically ruined I think.  It looks like the screen on the one below (though this is not mine, just one I found online)

The screen is basically ruined.  The dark black stuff has taken over the whole screen, like the one above, and only very little of the screen (just like the pic above, the corners) were spared.  This makes it virtually impossible to play the games, because the screen is too dark.

Normally, I would just throw it out or sell it to someone for parts and get a new one; however, these machines are VERY hard to find, so a broken one is better than none I suppose.  Is there anyone here who could somehow mod this thing so that I could either play this on a TV or just repair the screen / replace the screen for me? 

Please let me know.  I don't have the technical expertise to do this sort of stuff, but someone might.  Of course, money would be paid.

Family Bits:  An Unauthorized, Complete Guide to Famicom, Dendy, and Pegasus
