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why are nintendo 64 prototypes so expensive when compared to other game protos? See title

Feb 12 at 10:24:41 PM
Kuriatsu (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 58 - Joined: 05/30/2017
Hey all, I was wondering. I've seen a ton of prototypes on ebay, yahoo auctions, and so on, and I've noticed one constant. N64 prototype carts are WAY more expensive. usually ranging in the mid 1K tier, but PS2 protos are usually under 200, with GBA's being about 200-500-1500, and so on. 

So I ask. Why are N64 Proto carts so pricey in comparison?
Just because they're popular? They aren't well catalogued? or is there a different reason?

Feb 13 at 11:30:38 AM
Metal_Mantis (0)

< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 49 - Joined: 01/09/2019
My guess is the medium. Discs are far cheaper to produce than carts, so there may have been less N64 prototypes produced in the first place, making them harder to get (and more expensive) now, compared to PS2 prototypes which may be more abundant.

Just a thought!

Feb 13 at 4:53:05 PM
Kuriatsu (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 58 - Joined: 05/30/2017
That totally makes sense. Thanks for explaining that perspective  

Feb 13 at 6:01:16 PM
Gloves (110)
(Douglas Glover) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 10283 - Joined: 01/21/2017
Consider also that some N64 promo carts play significantly differently from the retail versions. Majora's Mask grey for instance has an actual "level select" feature which lets you go to various points in the game for demo purposes. It's a whole build of the game made specifically for these NFR demo carts. Same with Pokemon Snap Blockbuster carts - they only let you play the first two levels as they were built specifically to be just that - an in-store demo. This was very unique for the time!


Feb 13 at 7:51:40 PM
Kuriatsu (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 58 - Joined: 05/30/2017
I...actually didn't know that....
Thank you as well.
I feel like such a newb....

Feb 17 at 11:42:19 PM
introless (24)
(random guy) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 462 - Joined: 08/10/2009
Don't feel like a newb, all these ridiculous prices confound even us old timers  

Honestly, they AREN'T worth the prices you're seeing. It just comes down to proto owners seeing other people selling protos for a high price and following example. Most buyers aren't stupid and can tell when something is clearly a final ROM that's no different than the retail game, so these things sit there for months or even a year while the seller doesn't budge from their unrealistic price. In that respect, N64 protos really have proven themselves to be worth anything but the ridiculous prices you see them for, unless we're talking an early version of a very famous, well-known game. Which usually isn't what you see protos of on eBay.

If you do a search for actual sold N64 prototypes on eBay, it looks like the last one was in November and it went for $400 at an open auction. That's more realistic.

Feb 18 at 12:10:15 AM
gunpei (10)
< Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2904 - Joined: 02/08/2015
Federated States of Micronesia
/\ Yeah, the asking price for an unsold item on ebay and the actual value are often very far apart

Feb 21 at 1:17:57 AM
Kuriatsu (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 58 - Joined: 05/30/2017
Thank you very much to you both