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Zelda Twilight Princess Gamecube Values?? Been watching this game for quite some time

Sep 4, 2013 at 6:56:12 PM
Aamcoogden (0)
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(Manny Mercado) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 24 - Joined: 08/02/2013
I have been watching this game for a while as far as rarity goes. I watch a lot of Amazon and eBay prices. I have noticed that lately, the prices have crept past Zelda Collector's Edition and are nearing Zelda Wind Waker Prices. HOWEVER, the new prices are still low compared to the others. Of course, the game should have more copies out, but if you think about it, the game was released with the wii. Most people bought the game with the wii, so you would think that there were actually less copies of Zelda TP because of this. I notice that there are less copies on the internet. This game new, should be worth more than the $90 or so that it is receiving. What do you guys think?

Sep 4, 2013 at 7:36:55 PM (12)
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< Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 499 - Joined: 01/14/2013
Twilight Princess has always been the most expensive Zelda game on GameCube. On that note all Zelda games are mass Produced, and I would be hard pressed to consider any of them truly rare. They definitely hold a great value because of the genre and mass appeal.