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'World of Warcraft's' virtual gold is seven times more valuable than Venezuela's real money

Sep 13 at 3:04:43 AM
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< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1722 - Joined: 09/14/2016

"...a single dollar trades to 10,085 gold pieces in WoW. This makes the fake money used in Azeroth, the mythical world of the game, about 6.8 times more valuable than the Venezuelan bolivar."

Not sure this is truly a fair comparison, but both amusing and disturbing. I hope things get better in Venezuela.

Edited: 09/13/2019 at 03:05 AM by avatar!

Sep 13 at 3:07:51 AM
Jeevan (4)
< Crack Trooper >
Posts: 197 - Joined: 05/17/2019
Im surprised its only 6.8 times more.

Anybody want a butterscotch?

Sep 13 at 1:48:13 PM
G-Type (1)
(Geoff ) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2739 - Joined: 10/23/2014
Well they've been the target of harsh economic sanctions for over a decade including their chief exports of oil and natural gas with the US ordering a freeze on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States and barring transactions with US citizens and companies. So we kind of had a hand in their current problems.

Check out my comic, The Scientists. It's like a "Genius-centric 'Goonies' that can turn thriller at any moment". 

Edited: 09/13/2019 at 01:49 PM by G-Type

Sep 13 at 2:17:22 PM
empire (58)
(Not me! ) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11762 - Joined: 01/21/2013
British Columbia
They should start exporting more arcane crystals then


Sep 13 at 3:27:07 PM
MrWunderful (289)
(Corey ) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12969 - Joined: 12/21/2013
Did anyone tell trump? Convert all our money to WOW gold, really show the socialists who's Boss.

Sep 13 at 4:15:02 PM
quest4nes (147)
(jeff -) < Bonk >
Posts: 18756 - Joined: 02/21/2010
Originally posted by: G-Type

Well they've been the target of harsh economic sanctions for over a decade including their chief exports of oil and natural gas with the US ordering a freeze on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States and barring transactions with US citizens and companies. So we kind of had a hand in their current problems.

or ya know like...their economic and shitty govt model probably had something to do with it.


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Edited: 09/13/2019 at 04:15 PM by quest4nes

Sep 13 at 4:36:56 PM
Californication (34)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 923 - Joined: 05/13/2016
Originally posted by: quest4nes

Originally posted by: G-Type

Well they've been the target of harsh economic sanctions for over a decade including their chief exports of oil and natural gas with the US ordering a freeze on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States and barring transactions with US citizens and companies. So we kind of had a hand in their current problems.

or ya know like...their economic and shitty govt model probably had something to do with it.

Nope, it's mostly the sanctions.

Sep 13 at 5:14:55 PM
andyprime (3)
(Andy ) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 25 - Joined: 08/27/2019
That's kind of hard to fathom! I guess in times of desperation, just leave the work field and play Warcraft full time in Venezuela.

1)  Quit Job
2)  Play Warcraft
3)  ????
4)  Profit

Edited: 09/13/2019 at 05:15 PM by andyprime

Sep 13 at 7:58:58 PM
quest4nes (147)
(jeff -) < Bonk >
Posts: 18756 - Joined: 02/21/2010
Originally posted by: Californication
Originally posted by: quest4nes
Originally posted by: G-Type

Well they've been the target of harsh economic sanctions for over a decade including their chief exports of oil and natural gas with the US ordering a freeze on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States and barring transactions with US citizens and companies. So we kind of had a hand in their current problems.

or ya know like...their economic and shitty govt model probably had something to do with it.

Nope, it's mostly the sanctions.

After reading some politics threads that doesnt surprise youd think that way. Eyeroll.


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Sep 13 at 8:34:11 PM
Californication (34)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 923 - Joined: 05/13/2016
I mean there's facts and then there is what you said.

To be more fair, what you said is partially true, they didn't have a diversified economy and had bad leadership.

That being said, their ecconomy was running alright until the Saudi Arabia intentionally flooded the market with oil to specifically target the Venezuelan economy in concert with the U.S. Then the U.S. extended crippling sanctions to try and cause the people to rise up against their leadership.

I don't even think this is controversial anymore. And more over I think all the conservatives on here that said we needed to go to war with Venezuela because they pose us a threat still owe me an apology. That was a complete nonsense conservative talking point. Drops mic.

Edited: 09/13/2019 at 08:46 PM by Californication

Sep 13 at 10:27:27 PM
quest4nes (147)
(jeff -) < Bonk >
Posts: 18756 - Joined: 02/21/2010
Drops mic? Lol. No offense but politically, you are rather full of yourself. In other politics threads you come across as insufferable somewhat. You dont even entertain other opinions. Its your liberal way or the highway. Democratic party is so different than it used to be. Its why i think theyll probably lose again.

Im not saying this is definitely the  kind of person you are. Its just the way it comes across. Work on toning the liberal edge you carry down some.


NES  646 (331 Manuals 319 Boxes)
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Edited: 09/13/2019 at 10:30 PM by quest4nes

Sep 13 at 11:21:26 PM
Californication (34)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 923 - Joined: 05/13/2016
Originally posted by: quest4nes

Drops mic? Lol. No offense but politically, you are rather full of yourself. In other politics threads you come across as insufferable somewhat. You dont even entertain other opinions. Its your liberal way or the highway. Democratic party is so different than it used to be. Its why i think theyll probably lose again.

Im not saying this is definitely the  kind of person you are. Its just the way it comes across. Work on toning the liberal edge you carry down some.

I come across that way because in thread after thread I am on the opposite side as other people and when we look back I am the accurate one. And I am not liberal, I am progressive, there's a difference. Between the Republicans, Democrats, and Progressives, we are the only group of people that care about the country. Edit: And I always consider other opinions, I adjust myself accordingly before settling, take another look.

So you’re answer to my opinion on Venezuela is that I am insufferable and the Democrat party is going to lose. That is not an argument. That is a Donald Trump like response.

Edited: 09/13/2019 at 11:31 PM by Californication

Sep 13 at 11:38:31 PM
quest4nes (147)
(jeff -) < Bonk >
Posts: 18756 - Joined: 02/21/2010
Originally posted by: Californication
Originally posted by: quest4nes

Drops mic? Lol. No offense but politically, you are rather full of yourself. In other politics threads you come across as insufferable somewhat. You dont even entertain other opinions. Its your liberal way or the highway. Democratic party is so different than it used to be. Its why i think theyll probably lose again.

Im not saying this is definitely the  kind of person you are. Its just the way it comes across. Work on toning the liberal edge you carry down some.

I come across that way because in thread after thread I am on the opposite side as other people and when we look back I am the accurate one. And I am not liberal, I am progressive, there's a difference. Between the Republicans, Democrats, and Progressives, we are the only group of people that care about the country. Edit: And I always consider other opinions, I adjust myself accordingly before settling, take another look.

So you’re answer to my opinion on Venezuela is that I am insufferable and the Democrat party is going to lose. That is not an argument. That is a Donald Trump like response.

Some people dont want to sit here and argue. Progressives love too. This site is pretty much full of your viewpoint so I dont see why you carry such angst politically. 

By saying, Im always the accurate one, thats exactly the progressive arrogance I was talking about. I made a comment on how US Sanctions are not the reason venezuela went down the toilet. Did they help? no. But they didnt get sanctions for no reason. You commented to me. I just made a singular comment on how their govt ruined their own country.

You believe you are the only one that cares about the United States? Are you fuckin kidding me? The arrogance in that statement. Is this a troll attemp? The nerve to even say that. This is why no one is ever going to agree on anything. Morally superior progressive party. 

I dont hate progressives or liberals. The difference is you come across with the opinion that oposing viewpoints are practically evil, while someone like me just thinks you're wrong. There isnt animosity on my viewpoint. The liberal or what you want to call progressives are so aggressive and down right mean.

I cant take you seriously when you quote you are always the accurate one, and your the only group of people that care about the country. The arrogance. Holy crap.


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Edited: 09/13/2019 at 11:45 PM by quest4nes

Sep 13 at 11:44:53 PM
Californication (34)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 923 - Joined: 05/13/2016
I haven’t deleted my old posts, go through them tell me where I was wrong. I can keep naming ones where I am right if you’d like.

So you're new point is that the U.S. did not arbitrarily put sanctions on Venezuela, we had a reason. If we had a reason, what was it?

Edited: 09/13/2019 at 11:46 PM by Californication

Sep 13 at 11:47:57 PM
quest4nes (147)
(jeff -) < Bonk >
Posts: 18756 - Joined: 02/21/2010
Originally posted by: Californication

I haven’t deleted my old posts, go through them tell me where I was wrong. I can keep naming ones where I am right if you’d like.

So you're new point is that the U.S. did not arbitrarily put sanctions on Venezuela, we had a reason. If we had a reason, what was it?

after a 2 second google search. Sanctions were implemented in 2013. New round of them in 2017.

Progressives are just as bad a diehard trump fans. › newshour › world › u-s-imposed-sanctions-venezuela

Aug 25, 2017 - President Donald Trump imposed new financial sanctions against Venezuela on Friday, a response to President Nicolas Maduro convening a special assembly to rewrite the country’s constitution — seen by the U.S. and its allies as his attempt to grab more presidential powers.

Im not a big meddler person. But to say there is no reason is wrong.  Obama started the sanctions in 2013 so its both parties imposing them.

And Im not going through your posts because Im not giving you what you want. Your progressive, you want to argue and justify what you believe. I disagree with you, but it changes nothing and is a waste of time to me. You formed your opinion most likely on reading some contrarion article. Go cheer for your political team. I dont really want to discuss it. You commented to me. You literally bring nothing to the table I cant just google.

If your always right why would I want to argue with that. Like I said before, Insufferable. Im done. Ill give you the win.


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Edited: 09/13/2019 at 11:52 PM by quest4nes

Sep 14 at 12:07:39 AM
Californication (34)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 923 - Joined: 05/13/2016
So you did a google search and found something that uses the word Venezuela so you are right? This is the problem with our political discussions today. Then you want to attack me some more.

In accounting they talk about how the tone at the top of a company is important because the people take note of their leaders and move towards their position. You really do sound like Donald Trump.

Obama had terrible foreign policy. Obama is between a moderate and conservative Democrat. One of his biggest weaknesses was his foreign policy. The sanctions quote you put up is not a real explanation of anything.

Next you're going to tell me there is a reason Cuba has sanctions on them. Or you will say it is okay that Obama didn't sanction Israel in 2014 when they murdered 500 children. You are out of your depth.

Sep 14 at 12:16:07 AM
quest4nes (147)
(jeff -) < Bonk >
Posts: 18756 - Joined: 02/21/2010
You win. Will you please shut up. Dear lord block


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Sep 14 at 12:20:37 AM
Californication (34)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 923 - Joined: 05/13/2016
Lol. Attack, attack, cry, attack.

Sep 14 at 12:37:34 AM
Uncle Meat (69)
(SanitaryNonAvengerRules ) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11707 - Joined: 10/20/2014
The game just got re-released, give it a month and the price will drop drastically....That literally never sustains, ever.

What is this, fuckin Barrens chat?

Ayy yoo pizza bie!

Edited: 09/14/2019 at 12:38 AM by Uncle Meat

Sep 14 at 11:39:03 AM
dragonwarrior83 (36)
(Nick R) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 840 - Joined: 04/07/2017
Why are we complaining about Venezuela anyways? How about we worry about the problems we have here first. Debt, infrastructure, education, immigration, mass shootings, trade disputes... I mean, we have a list of problems to deal with ourselves before we start worrying about some poor oil producing country in South America.

Got all 4 Dragon Warriors CIB, Thanks Everyone. Now looking for Dragon Quest ( Famicom ) 1, 2, and 3. Also a box and guide for Earthbound.

Sep 14 at 3:41:37 PM
G-Type (1)
(Geoff ) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2739 - Joined: 10/23/2014
Originally posted by: quest4nes
Originally posted by: G-Type

Well they've been the target of harsh economic sanctions for over a decade including their chief exports of oil and natural gas with the US ordering a freeze on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States and barring transactions with US citizens and companies. So we kind of had a hand in their current problems.

or ya know like...their economic and shitty govt model probably had something to do with it.
I suppose all the refugees coming here from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador are leaving behind wonderful political and economic situations. Venezuela is the only bad one.


Check out my comic, The Scientists. It's like a "Genius-centric 'Goonies' that can turn thriller at any moment". 

Sep 14 at 3:52:41 PM
empire (58)
(Not me! ) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11762 - Joined: 01/21/2013
British Columbia
Well we can all thank our lucky stars we don't live in Paraguay


Sep 14 at 11:01:25 PM
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< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1722 - Joined: 09/14/2016
Originally posted by: Californication

I come across that way because in thread after thread I am on the opposite side as other people and when we look back I am the accurate one. And I am not liberal, I am progressive, there's a difference. Between the Republicans, Democrats, and Progressives, we are the only group of people that care about the country. Edit: And I always consider other opinions, I adjust myself accordingly before settling, take another look.

So you’re answer to my opinion on Venezuela is that I am insufferable and the Democrat party is going to lose. That is not an argument. That is a Donald Trump like response.
1)I really hope that's a joke! Do you truly believe that of the 330 million in the USA, only the far left care about the country? If so, you really need a reality check. For the record, I also tend to agree with many "progressive" ideas - although certainly not all. That said, I think it's the height of hypocrisy to assume that you and only you actually "care". In fact, it's more than that, it's dangerous. When a group of people believe they are the "only ones" -that can easily lead to dictatorship.

2)The crisis in Venezuela is more complex than simply saying "it's the USA's fault". In fact, that's a truly naive and asinine answer. While the economic sanctions definitely have a role, it's much more than that. If you want to assign blame, it should go to:

1)The Venezuelan government -- the primarily culprit with "years of economic mismanagement, and corruption"
Oh, not to mention the fact the the Venezuelan government has killed thousands upon thousands of innocent protesters all while denying there is even a crisis!!
Some argue it is the socialist policies which led to this mess, but even if the socialist policies are not the main reason for the economic collapse, it certainly is an issue along with the anti-democratic governance, all the corruption, and simply put, the complete mismanagement of the economy

2)Venezuela's oil production dropped, there was no maintenance and no investment. This is huge. Basically, the government just let things slide to the point of no return. 

3)There's too much oil. If you put all your money in oil, and oil becomes super cheap, you lose.

4)The sanctions. They must have some affect, but what? One paper found that the sanctions were devestating, although still NOT the main cause of the crisis. However, another paper claims that "it becomes clear that the bulk of the deterioration in living standards occurred long before the sanctions were enacted in 2017. Relatedly, we find rapidly worsening trends across all of the socio-economic indicators we analyze well before the sanctions were imposed in August 2017. Therefore, in the presence of these strong pre-trends, it is impossible to attribute the current performance of these socio-economic indicators to the sanctions."

Based upon what I've read (just a few links below, there are numerous scholarly articles on this), colleagues I've spoken to from South America (mostly Brazil), the blame is primarily on the Venezuelan government.


Edited: 09/14/2019 at 11:07 PM by avatar!

Sep 14 at 11:24:19 PM
Californication (34)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 923 - Joined: 05/13/2016
Let's start with your first point and then move on to Venezuela. Among Progessives, Democrats, and Republicans, Progressives are the only group of people that have presented legislation that will strengthen our country by helping our people. Liberal Democrats have for the most part put forward legislation that will fix problems around the edges but not fix the over arching problems facing our country. Republicans have put forward next to nothing.

If you care about this country you should vote for legislation that helps the country. Therefore either a. You can't tell the progressive are providing the best options for the country, b. You don't care about the country.

So, when you respond first, tell me a. what legislation what ever party you are democrat or republican have put forward to help the country. Then if you don't believe progressives have put forward the best legislation to help this country I will explain why they have.

Sep 15 at 2:41:56 AM
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< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1722 - Joined: 09/14/2016
This thread is about Venezuela. If you want to start a thread about American politics please feel free to do so. I personally want to stay on topic. Yeah I did respond to your post which I strongly disagree with for the most part. Regardless let's try to stay on target and again feel free to start a "progressive" thread.

Edited: 09/15/2019 at 02:43 AM by avatar!