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Yard Sale Find finally it happened to me

Jul 18 at 11:42:50 PM
Andy_Bogomil (100)
(Pete ) < Bowser >
Posts: 6008 - Joined: 11/15/2012
I find it so funny when you find these one-off, uncommon games in a lot of junk for the most part. Great find!!

Wii U Collection Status: 160/161. Just Dance 2018. 

Jul 19 at 9:07:04 AM
WhyNotZoidberg (5)
(Julien ) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 399 - Joined: 09/12/2014
Originally posted by: Andy_Bogomil

I find it so funny when you find these one-off, uncommon games in a lot of junk for the most part. Great find!!
Yeah, by the looks of it these carts were all from a rental store (stickers, markings and f*cked up security like melting the screw sockets to prevent board swaps) so someone might have just bought a bunch of games all at once when it closed and now there they were. Thank Jeebus the Super Turrican 2 didn't have any engravings or melted plastic like that. Thing is, back then no one realized what would become of old games and all these carts had the same value: "get them out of here".