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Gameover WEREWOLF VII: Avengers Assemble? Congrats to NES for winning

Apr 7, 2016 at 12:56:56 PM
NESfanatic (7)
< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1765 - Joined: 06/23/2013
^ lol i thought i was lynched and out of the game!

Apr 7, 2016 at 1:01:17 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: NESfanatic

^ lol i thought i was lynched and out of the game!

It's still a violation tho! lol

supposed to keep it in the graveyard until the game is over. I kept you around because I'm town!


Apr 7, 2016 at 1:06:31 PM
NESfanatic (7)
< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1765 - Joined: 06/23/2013
Didnt u step on me......twice? And apparently fox stabbed me. I was also lynched. How the heck did i make it to the end?

Apr 7, 2016 at 1:10:30 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: NESfanatic

Didnt u step on me......twice? And apparently fox stabbed me. I was also lynched. How the heck did i make it to the end?

I really have no clue how you lived through all that. I'm hoping for an in depth explanation from wasg following the game, lol.

And yeah, I stomped all over you, lol


Apr 7, 2016 at 1:14:14 PM
wasg13 (72)
(Pokerock ) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2219 - Joined: 02/16/2007
New Jersey
The time has come the final three of the group move into the middle of the room. Br81zad asks, "What the hell is going on?"
Fox looks at the two and says, "It's over this can only go one of two ways, and NES you have a unique option in front of you, you can vote me out the other Skrull, or vote Br81zad out the other wolf, either way a wolf or indy will win."
Br81zad looks across and says, "Nice story Fox but I'm just a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and you are the last wolf."
they start arguing with each other but finally NES steps in. "Guys this has been fun but I am leaning more toward Fox right now, sorry Br81zad but you have to go time for an indy to win."
Fox and NES grab Br81zad and shove him into the nearest detainment cell.
Name: The Juggernaut/ Cain Marko
You are the Juggernaut bitch, you and the rest of the Villains may talk freely in the private thread. During the night, you and the rest of the villains must decide whom to attack.
Unstoppable: If you attack your attack cannot be blocked. You must your ability if you are attacking.

Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to your alignment
Alignment: Wolf/Villain

NES and Fox look at one another well looks like we caught the last wolf good job. They go to do an epic handshake like something you would see from Predator when Arnold and Weathers meet and call each pther sons of bitches.
But as there hands meet and the biceps ripple in pure awesomeness Fox pulls out a piece of technology and flings it onto NES electrocuting him and dropping him to the ground.
Fox says, "I told you I was a Skrull and my mission was to destroy all the heroes so the Skrull Invasion could take place, trusting me was a mistake."
Name: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
You are a run of the mill S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent and are a vanilla townie. Help the heroes stop the villains.

Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to your alignment
Alignment: Town/ S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hidden Role: Skrull
You are a skrull warrior sent down to infiltrate the Earth's defenses and start the take over.
Any investigations will not reveal you to be a skrull, you must be lynched or attacked at night to have this information be revealed to the rest of the players.

TRUE Win Condition: Eliminate all heroes and villains from the game
Alignment: Independent/ Skrull

You and your partner GREAT GADON ,are the only skrulls. You two can only talk in the main thread.

You may either choose to use your own power for the night if you have one, or you may choose to copy someone else's power. If you choose to do this pm me Copy: and person's name. You can only do this once per game so be careful on whom you choose. Also if you have a power to begin with you will keep your power and the person's you copied power.

Fox starts to walk away like a bad ass in an action movie when all of a sudden he looks down and sees two swords protruding from his chest. He starts to cough up blood as he is lifted into the air. A familiar voice is heard.
NES says, "Fox you were right, an indy will win this game, just not the one you thought."

Fox lies on the ground bleeding to death and utters, "How this makes no sense."
But he starts to think, NES was attacked and crushed by the now know Juggernaut but survived each time, the force NES said he felt that moved him was all a mistake and those "OWs" heard after the footsteps were actually NES getting crushed. The fact that when we went after Doner not only was he beaten by Fox but was stabbed to death by NES, and Vectrex, when I went to him he already appeared hurt and was in fact stabbed already. I guess I didn't see that coming.

NES looks out now and starts to say, "Alright red voice that was a good start but maybe next instead of killing the Marvel Universe I go bigger maybe the Nintendoage Universe." NES cuts a hole out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and prepares several explosives along the ship. He jumps off and turns around to watch the ship explode over New York city, crashing down and destroying the city.
The red voice says, "Very good Deadpool, very good."
Name: Deadpool/ Wade Wilson
You are the Merc with the mouth, that may be a little insane but who knows.
You have two skills to use at night but can only use one per night:
Detective: Breaking the fourth wall: Once per night you may pm me any yes or no question and I will answer the question.
Rules: You cannot use any proper names or user names while asking the question.
You cannot ask about more than one person per question.
You cannot use the letters K or W when asking a question.
If you break any of these rules you will receive no answer to your question.

Vigilante: Once per night you may pm me the name of a player during the night to be attacked.

Regeneration: You cannot be killed by night attacks you must be voted out.

Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to your alignment. This means kill the Marvel Universe
Alignment: Independent / Insane vigilante hero

Congrats NES for winning, I figured I'll explain my thought process for the game now too:
So basically there were 4 factions the wolves, the town, the skrulls, and Deadpool.
Characters in the game were good guys turned bad (Phoenix), bad guys that could be good, (Venom and Flash) and Doner as Quicksilver so wanted everyone on their toes, and like I stated in the opening Who can you trust, which for those not into Marvel Comics is the tag line for the Skrull invasion where heroes could really be bad.
Wolves had the easiest as they started with really good powers and could control people, Mind control had some flaws I know and saw as they came up, sorry was a knew mechanic in the game and was trying to see how it worked.
Wolves basically had to eliminated till they had the voting advantage.
Vectrex was the 5th wolf:
Name: Loki/ Trickster God
You are Loki the Trickster God, you and the rest of the Villains may talk freely in the private thread. During the night, you and the rest of the villains must decide whom to attack.
Ability: You will always come back from alignment check as good.
Illusion: At night you can say Illusion: Name of player. If that player is targeted there alignment will be changed.

Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to your alignment
Alignment: Wolf/Villain
Town was on the tough side to win but had a day protector and night protector with Cap and thor, they also had a role blocker
Name: Impossible Man
Role Blocker: You are a being with powers being the scope of reality, and wish to help the heroes.
Once per night you may PM me the name of a player and if they have any powers they are using that night they will be taken away.

Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to your alignment
Alignment: Town/Hero
which if used on NES would have taken his regenative power away but was killed night one.
and Generic:
Name: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent/ Stan Lee
You are the man himself, Stan Lee, and this is your cameo appearance. You are the CREATOR, once per night you may PM me the name of a player and they will be inserted into the begin of the days events somehow, but remember with great power comes great responsibility.

Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to your alignment
Alignment: Town/ S.H.I.E.L.D.
Whose power was Town's best one as he showed some details of whoever he picked that would give hints to something about the person.
Town had a tough time that's why they got the circle clues and messages about directions, which were only sent to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents so as to help them if they could figure it out, and for those not town to try to confuse town like Doner did.

The skrulls started out in the hole but had a free defense against attack for the first couple issues as they had help from Queen Verenke or however you spell it. The goal for the Skrulls was to find wolves to copy and then they would get whatever abilities they had, this includes whatever ability the wolf had, in Foxes case he took Brocks power and the ability to attack at night. If both skrulls picked wolves they would get a separate thread but that did not occur.

NES was on his own and I wanted him to seem to good to be true, he was attacked three or four times I believe and no one really questioned him about his ability to survive through any attack, or the fact that he was revealing wolves and not being taken out at all. NES pretty much had to convince town he was with them long enough to gain the upper hand like he did.

It really came down to each group had multiple threats to them but would have to work together to eliminate them. Just like Marvel where the good guys and bad guys have to come together sometimes to stop threats to both.
I hope everyone enjoyed the game and if you hae any comments let me know. If I do another one would love to hear critiques to make it better for the next time.

Edited: 04/07/2016 at 01:16 PM by wasg13

Apr 7, 2016 at 1:32:43 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Congrats NES. you rat bastard


Apr 7, 2016 at 1:35:43 PM
dra600n (300)
(Adym \m/) < Bonk >
Posts: 16989 - Joined: 09/16/2010
NES is killed day 1 from here on out, might as well retire lol

Proud owner of post #1800 in Inner Circle HQ thread

Apr 7, 2016 at 1:42:07 PM
NESfanatic (7)
< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1765 - Joined: 06/23/2013
Haha :/

i know br81zad is running the next game whenever he gets around to it. But id love to run the run the one after him. I already have some of it written and i believe it would be pretty fun.

Apr 7, 2016 at 1:43:51 PM
NESfanatic (7)
< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1765 - Joined: 06/23/2013
Wasg great game. U made a complex game that worked really well. Your design wouldve been freaking awesome with like 5 more players. Thanks man

Apr 7, 2016 at 1:46:26 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: NESfanatic

Haha :/

i know br81zad is running the next game whenever he gets around to it. But id love to run the run the one after him. I already have some of it written and i believe it would be pretty fun.

Yeah, and it'll be a couple weeks before I post sign ups. I think the burn out is a legitimate factor for some guys.

Adam, wanna invite NES to the League?


Apr 7, 2016 at 1:47:49 PM
Brock Landers (61)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11673 - Joined: 05/04/2014
Federated States of Micronesia
81, I'll take a graveyard invite next round. I'd like to monitor

...and try not to give NES the best role in the game for the third straight round


Writing about every SNES game - Volume VIII (#400-351) - Migrating to as we speak
SNES Set - 716/723 (Casper)
Switch: SW-6880-6470-3131

Apr 7, 2016 at 1:54:16 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: Brock Landers

81, I'll take a graveyard invite next round. I'd like to monitor

...and try not to give NES the best role in the game for the third straight round

Oh, rest easy. He'll be gimmped beyond comprehension.


Apr 7, 2016 at 2:13:06 PM
NESfanatic (7)
< Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1765 - Joined: 06/23/2013
Originally posted by: Br81zad

Originally posted by: NESfanatic

Haha :/

i know br81zad is running the next game whenever he gets around to it. But id love to run the run the one after him. I already have some of it written and i believe it would be pretty fun.

Yeah, and it'll be a couple weeks before I post sign ups. I think the burn out is a legitimate factor for some guys.

Adam, wanna invite NES to the League?

Woah! inner circle here i come

Apr 7, 2016 at 2:33:34 PM
Vectrex28 (130)
(CD-i Kraid) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 7789 - Joined: 07/28/2012
Next time NES must be a VT

"Energy Tanks, Missiles, Power Bombs... You want it? It's yours my friend! As long as you have enough credits!"

Edited: 04/07/2016 at 02:33 PM by Vectrex28

Apr 7, 2016 at 4:09:09 PM
GreatGadon (3)
(Robert ) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2663 - Joined: 04/23/2015
Lol good game and congrats NES (I'll take the high road here ) Great Job Fox I knew we would either win or come close when Wasg told me you were my partner. Hats off to MBC for keeping on my toes and making me go on the defense early. If anyone is wondering I started off with the SEER ability. I could then use my power of copy on another player only once but if it worked I would gain their ability, I choose to use my copy ability on MetalCyanide since Wasg was adamant about keeping his role in the game after Billtownsparty left. Unfortunately MC had no powers so I gained nothing and lost the ability to copy.  Was hoping to get lucky and snag a priest or bodyguard role to keep myself alive as I knew once Seer was reviled on me that my nights were numbered.

Edited: 04/07/2016 at 04:13 PM by GreatGadon

Apr 7, 2016 at 5:02:04 PM
fox (15)
(Gunslinger Fox) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3212 - Joined: 07/12/2012
United States
Such an epic finale.  A 3-way shootout and it turns out everyone was a bad guy.  I'm happy with 2nd place.  XD

Gratz on your win.  You pretty much ran the board all game and pulled a total blindside on everyone.

We had an uphill battle but I knew you would be able to hold your own after you pulled off a pretty tricky traitor role in the TMNT round.  I'm amazed that even after the wolves tried to hose you, you managed to keep kicking for several more days.  You made the Skrull empire proud.

You guys played well, and pretty much had the town totally in the dark.  NES and I really ruined your plans though.  Sorry!

I know a couple of you really tried, but you guys never seemed to be able to come together and actually lynch scum.  You can't rely on no lynches, trick plays, and just blindly following the cop and expect to win.

Thank you so much for hosting.  This was a really fun round with some cool mechanics and a great theme.  Opening up the Marvel universe and having all kinds of tweener characters kept everyone guessing.  Deadpool is totally overpowered.  A serial killer with investigation powers who cannot be killed even with unstoppable kills?  I get that he is in the comics and that is part of the joke.  But come on!  XD

Still you were a good host.  Glorious quality. Speedy delivery. Magnificent packaging. A+!

Edited: 04/07/2016 at 05:05 PM by fox

Apr 7, 2016 at 5:09:01 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: fox

Such an epic finale.  A 3-way shootout and it turns out everyone was a bad guy.  I'm happy with 2nd place.  XD

Gratz on your win.  You pretty much ran the board all game and pulled a total blindside on everyone.

We had an uphill battle but I knew you would be able to hold your own after you pulled off a pretty tricky traitor role in the TMNT round.  I'm amazed that even after the wolves tried to hose you, you managed to keep kicking for several more days.  You made the Skrull empire proud.

You guys played well, and pretty much had the town totally in the dark.  NES and I really ruined your plans though.  Sorry!

I know a couple of you really tried, but you guys never seemed to be able to come together and actually lynch scum.  You can't rely on no lynches, trick plays, and just blindly following the cop and expect to win.

Thank you so much for hosting.  This was a really fun round with some cool mechanics and a great theme.  Opening up the Marvel universe and having all kinds of tweener characters kept everyone guessing.  Deadpool is totally overpowered.  A serial killer with investigation powers who cannot be killed even with unstoppable kills?  I get that he is in the comics and that is part of the joke.  But come on!  XD

Still you were a good host.  Glorious quality. Speedy delivery. Magnificent packaging. A+!




Also, great game, dude. I thought about going along with you and revealing, but I decided to keep playing the game on the off chance that NES was actually town. Turns out we both should have gone for him


Apr 7, 2016 at 5:22:06 PM
wasg13 (72)
(Pokerock ) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2219 - Joined: 02/16/2007
New Jersey
Well it's my first time ever doing something like this from this side, so was toying with roles I had fun reading it and can go from here to make the next one more balanced but hope everyone had a good time I had fun reading some of the stuff knowing the whole story

Apr 7, 2016 at 5:31:22 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: wasg13

Well it's my first time ever doing something like this from this side, so was toying with roles I had fun reading it and can go from here to make the next one more balanced but hope everyone had a good time I had fun reading some of the stuff knowing the whole story

I'm sure was a lot of fun for the spectators "in the know". lol

It's tougher when you're the guinea pig, especially in fox's case where he had to have expected the win only to have it snatched away

Honestly, if I were to critique, it would be to limit Deadpool a little more. One suggestion is that since he can only be killed by lynch, make him unable to vote. Make him work a little to weasel his way out once he starts to look a little suspicious. Really all he had to do was play town til the end since he had nothing to fear at night. Making it a little harder on him during the day could have balanced it out.


Apr 7, 2016 at 5:58:45 PM
Generic (27)
(Eric ) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2057 - Joined: 10/18/2012
New Mexico
Congrats to NES. Once again, he sucker punched everyone. Skilled player. And yes, he is dead day 1 during the next game.

Who is hosting the next game? And when?

Originally posted by: alekx

your a nintendo collector, its not a lady killer hobby... Try selling drugs or settle for an ugly chick.

Apr 7, 2016 at 6:03:26 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: Generic

Congrats to NES. Once again, he sucker punched everyone. Skilled player. And yes, he is dead day 1 during the next game.

Who is hosting the next game? And when?

I'll be hosting next time, and it probably won't start until early May. Going to give everyone a break from the game, and hopefully when we all meet back up it won't start out as a testy bickerfest

But it will definitely be a fun one, so keep an eye out. I'll probably send PM's out to all former players as well as post a sign up thread to draw in some fresh meat.

Oh, and in regard to the theme...

May the Force be with you


Apr 7, 2016 at 6:09:01 PM
behemos (126)
(Endless Mike) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1764 - Joined: 07/06/2012
Originally posted by: Br81zad

Originally posted by: Generic

Congrats to NES. Once again, he sucker punched everyone. Skilled player. And yes, he is dead day 1 during the next game.

Who is hosting the next game? And when?

I'll be hosting next time, and it probably won't start until early May. Going to give everyone a break from the game, and hopefully when we all meet back up it won't start out as a testy bickerfest

But it will definitely be a fun one, so keep an eye out. I'll probably send PM's out to all former players as well as post a sign up thread to draw in some fresh meat.

Oh, and in regard to the theme...

May the Force be with you

Hell yeah.

I think NES should be Salacious Crumb

Apr 7, 2016 at 6:13:13 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: behemos

Hell yeah. I think NES should be Salacious Crumb

That is EXACTLY what I had in mind, hahahahahaha


Apr 7, 2016 at 6:13:37 PM
fox (15)
(Gunslinger Fox) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3212 - Joined: 07/12/2012
United States

I might have been down for pushing NES under the bus.  Sooper Villain team up ftw!

You did a great job.  I still had fun even if I lost. 

Apr 7, 2016 at 6:20:47 PM
VGS_Br81zad (97)
( Beck) < Bowser >
Posts: 7061 - Joined: 12/20/2012
Originally posted by: fox


I might have been down for pushing NES under the bus.  Sooper Villain team up ftw!

You did a great job.  I still had fun even if I lost. 

lol, I almost posted and suggested that before I left for work. Then while I was thinking on my drive to work I got greedy and decided there was still a way for me to win.

And absolutely, wasg13 you put together a great game. Thanks for hosting!
