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Possibly a stupid question about Dev Carts. restoration of cart versions.

Mar 12 at 7:13:45 PM
Kuriatsu (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 58 - Joined: 05/30/2017
I've seen several carts on ebay that are dev carts and are nonbootable. Is it possible that if the carts are somehow treated as a USB device, that they can be "restored" to an earlier version, in the same way that USB's data can be instead of just dumping them?
I understand that this is a stretch, and is likely going to be replied to with a flat "no" or "no, don't be stupid" or something along those lines, but I wanted to ask to further my understanding of the material.

Edit: nevermind, I got it, sorry for the stupid question.

Edited: 03/13/2019 at 02:16 AM by Kuriatsu