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e-Zine: Stan's latest Faegly the Skeleton Bring your 10-foot-pole, but step lightly.

Sep 2, 2008 at 4:04:08 PM
Stan (81)
(Demonologist and Linguist Supreme) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2766 - Joined: 12/31/2006
Hey now, the one thing I will admit is I hate one thing, dishonesty and what I feel are stupid collecting practices. The former, everyone should care about, the latter is merely opinion.  By the way, guys, feel free to order your own Faegly shirt!  Make a video of you peeing on and burning it!

Edited: 09/02/2008 at 04:04 PM by Stan

Sep 2, 2008 at 6:23:53 PM
NationalGameDepot (279)
(Dr. NGD) < Bonk >
Posts: 15286 - Joined: 08/16/2006
Originally posted by: udisi

I can'r believe we need 5 pages about this.

1)I rarely agree with Stan, but hell he's always wore his opinions on his sleeve and is usually the resident hater, but you all know that, you can either ignore him or take his comments at what they are. Arguing with him over his opinions or getting pissed off when he makes one of his comments won't get you anywhere but the same 5 pages of garbage.

2)Nick has done some shitty stuff in the past and recent present. He'll probably do something in the future that some will find unethical. You all know that. Take that as you will. I've dealt with him before and had no problems, doesn't mean I'll never have a problem, or that I ever will have a problem with him. Just take what you know into consideration and make you decisions accordingly.

3) As for the comic's alright...I'll agree that it seems to be a little too inside and over the top, but then again I can totally see Stan's opinons raging out through the comic. The comic is so much like Stan in real life, that if you don't normally like what Stan has to say, you're probably not gonna like the comic. Knowing this, you can choose to read or not to read. If you enjoy Stan's comments, you'd probably love his comic.

All very true words sir, well said.  Like I said like 3 pages ago...Stan is Stan, Nick is Nick.  Take them for what they are.  Everyone has people who like them and people who dislike that, that is part of life.  Not all personalities mingle together.  I am glad to see Stan and Nick talking though. 

Proud replier of post #1000 in the infamous Joel thread

Sep 2, 2008 at 7:35:51 PM
the_wizard_666 (157)
(The Fat Ninja) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11676 - Joined: 10/12/2006
Okay, I'm too lazy to read the whole damn thread...stupid being out of town for a few days Honestly, I'm surprised it took so long for the question of personal attacks in Stan's comics to come up...I mean, there's been obvious rips to Nick and a few others since the comic debuted. I've found the comic in bad taste since day one, but hell, I also found some of the inside jokes hilarious! Of course, I know most of the issues he brings up as some of them date back to NESWorld. Stan, I think if you had used fake character names or something instead of being so damn obvious, it wouldn't be such a big deal...the old timers will get the references anyway and have a good laugh, and the newer members would still laugh at the stupidity of the situation without you having to bring up dead and buried shit. Also, it strikes me as a slapped-together effort anyway, and could benefit from some simple planning...maybe make a few characters, base them around different people around the site, and tell some outlandish stories based on exaggerations of actual happenings on NA, and it may actually work. There's a fine line between satire and slander, and realistically if Faegly is intended for the latter, it has no place in the 'Zine. Anyway, enough of my rant, time to go onto other projects


"It's always amazing to me how some of the most worthless games from a gaming perspective tend to fetch outrageous amounts of money. But then again, it could be said that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I'm curious if the high bidder of the $873.04 Stadium Events (cart-only) realizes that it's nowhere nearly as rare as about 20+ games I can think of that sell for 1/10th that amount?  At any rate, I wanted to draw attention to this trend: if people say it's rare, it must be true, and therefore it must be had at any price."
-Dain Anderson, October 14, 2006
Originally posted by: kryptk33p3r

im used to dick jokes i get to see one everytime I pee