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Pal 001-NES

Jun 27, 2016 at 6:07:12 PM
Sabel (0)

(Oscar ) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 38 - Joined: 11/22/2014
So Im a bit curious about this, I have an old (obviously) NES PAL-001 with controllers Ice climber cables, witch all are okriginal from the box. the box has a slight damage on the corner (really small) and all the original syrophone is intact... (no manual though     Ive seen these go for very low to very high on scandinavian auction sites. I might sell it because Im going to marry and have a kid with my GF now, and I got this from my longterm EX, so I feel like getting rid of things that belonged or riming me about her.... So does any one have an estimate on this? (need money for baby carrage and shit)