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Ken Griffey Jr Major League Baseball Demo

Apr 17, 2012 at 1:44:06 PM
SalPane (20)

(Salvatore Pane) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 224 - Joined: 04/17/2012
Hi, guys. I've been collecting retro games for about eight years now, but I've never come across an answer to this. In 2005, a buddy of mine was volunteering at a hospital that was throwing away its lot of SNES games from a play room set up for kids. He was able to rescue the games and give them to me. Most of them were very common sports games, but one of them--Ken Griffey Jr. Major League Baseball--has a demo sticker on the back. I mostly collect NES (224 games at the moment) and dabble in SNES, Intellivision, Atari 2600, Pong clones, and Sega Saturn, but I've never come across a sticker like this. Any ideas if this is worth anymore than a normal copy of Ken Griffey? Thanks in advance for any help.