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Need Music for your next game? This Guy is perfect for the project!!

Sep 19, 2010 at 4:43:31 PM
del01 (81)
(Retrosexual ) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1398 - Joined: 05/03/2010

 I don't know anyhting about what it takes to program music for nes games but what i do know is that my lifelong friend and composer Robbie Priestly would write some amazing soundtracks to some Video Games.

I have always thought he would be perfect for the job but never knew anyone who had anything to do with programing video games. I emailed him and mentioned my idea and he was more than receptive to it. He is not only a great composer but he is also a computer programer so these combined talents should help you if you find yourself needing a score for a game.

here is his website with some of his music.
}" href="/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBQQFjAA&">

I think you can contact him through the website and you can mention that del sent ya.

If you need  his email pm me.

My name is del01 and I approve this message.

If del was a chair...
I'd sit on it like Michelle Pfeiffer in the gangsters paradise video - Herbalist