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Video Idea Help Wanted

Dec 29, 2015 at 7:40:43 PM
Steverd (0)
(Steve Reed) < Little Mac >
Posts: 64 - Joined: 06/13/2011
I need some help/ideas on Nintendo NES videos.
I want to do videos on new carts as I add them to my collection.
I know so many things have been done a dozen times already, (maybe 100s)
BUT if you where to make some NES videos for Youtube what would you do?
How could it be different?
Where I got the game? How much I paid?
Maybe some gameplay?
Maybe getting other users thoughts on the game and putting those into the video?

Why do it? Making videos for Youtube is very addicting, I have made over 400 videos currently
for my Youtube channel, so I'm always trying to think of what video to make next!

Thoughts or Comments?
Thank you


Dec 29, 2015 at 7:47:42 PM
chromableedstudios (14)
< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 590 - Joined: 01/22/2013
United States
i dunno the feasibility or how it fits in with what you rock already but itd be neat to me to see more 'behind the music' style video game things with interviews with programmers and designers and history for context