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Weekly Finds

Apr 17, 2012 at 11:56:09 AM
fcgamer (101)

(Dave ) < Bowser >
Posts: 7352 - Joined: 01/22/2008
Last weekend was rather dry for me, unfortunately, but tonight I was going to make up for it by going to a local game shop and inquiring about a few games I saw last time but did not purchase.  Anyway, when I went to the shop, the lady gave me the two Gameboy games for free, after talking to her for a bit.  I asked her if she had the box and manual for the Gameboy game in the green case (a Taiwanese original), but she didn't, unfortunately.  The other title seems to be a bootleg of a Japanese game, and she gave that one to me for free as well.  Although I like receiving free stuff, unfortunately this shop is now cleaned out, and won't be getting any more goodies in.

I also stumbled upon a thrift shop over the weekend and grabbed the three Famicom carts for $2 each.  There wasn't anything great, just Zippy Race, Galaga, and another (Chinese Chess maybe?) but since I didn't have these titles and the price was right, I thought I would grab them anyway,even if they were fakes.

Maybe next week will yield a better find.

Family Bits:  An Unauthorized, Complete Guide to Famicom, Dendy, and Pegasus
