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How to use Scoreboard & Update AVS firmware Scoreboard software downloads, How to use & FAQs

Oct 25, 2016 at 5:42:19 PM
Tulpa (2)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11400 - Joined: 12/24/2013
Originally posted by: NiMaD83

ok thanks. Is there any plan to implement the FirebrandX Pallets?
Might email [email protected]

That would get it to Brian, the dude you probably bought your AVS from at PRGE.


Oct 29, 2016 at 10:43:03 PM
KaiserGX (1)
< Crack Trooper >
Posts: 146 - Joined: 10/05/2016
Someone quote me when the new update is out so I get a notification lol. I need to stop refreshing the page so often.

Check out my gaming/drawing channel over at, thanks!

Oct 29, 2016 at 11:51:22 PM
CartoonDan (0)
(Daniel Glover) < Cherub >
Posts: 4 - Joined: 09/15/2016
Originally posted by: KaiserGX

Someone quote me when the new update is out so I get a notification lol. I need to stop refreshing the page so often.

V1.20b6.bin is out now.

Play some fun!

Oct 30, 2016 at 2:08:33 AM
KaiserGX (1)
< Crack Trooper >
Posts: 146 - Joined: 10/05/2016
That one's been out for a while. I mean after that one. Thanks though.

Check out my gaming/drawing channel over at, thanks!

Nov 1, 2016 at 9:01:32 PM
indy1936 (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 29 - Joined: 09/15/2016
palette selecting
FDS menu buttons
Gradius 2
FF7 / Pokemon Yellow?
pal gamepads
always ntsc in menus
menu reset scroll dir
powerpak nsfs

Nov 2, 2016 at 1:37:10 PM
KaiserGX (1)
< Crack Trooper >
Posts: 146 - Joined: 10/05/2016
The new update is broken as fuuuu. If you keep going left on Vertical Border and switch to Pal and back it messes everything up.

Edit: It also doesn't save the verticle border or pallete option.

Check out my gaming/drawing channel over at, thanks!

Edited: 11/02/2016 at 01:40 PM by KaiserGX

Nov 2, 2016 at 3:53:52 PM
bherdm (0)
< Cherub >
Posts: 2 - Joined: 10/31/2016
I'm thinking about getting an AVS, currently between that or an HDMI mod for actual NES, and it's sort of hinging on a question I thought would be best asked here. I think the scoreboard functionality is really neat, and would seal the deal if it has some sort of offline mode. What would really be preferred is the console itself could hold a scoreboard for offline-only and family scores, this would be really useful for games like Balloon Fight that do not save the high score on the cart. This offline scoreboard could also allow players to use ROM-hacks and such because they would only be competing on a local level. What's it like to use the AVS scoreboard offline?


Nov 2, 2016 at 7:40:40 PM
thechristoph (2)

(Ain't Nobody) < Little Mac >
Posts: 53 - Joined: 12/18/2009
My AVS does not like the new firmware beta at all. My monitor just blinks between black and a "No signal" prompt. Bummer. Beta 6 was pretty solid for me.


Nov 2, 2016 at 7:52:07 PM
dfreichert (0)
(David Reichert) < Cherub >
Posts: 8 - Joined: 11/03/2010
Firmware 1.20b7 doesn't play nice with my PowerPak. It specifically seems to have issues with games that use the PowerMappers by The Fox. You see the PowerMappers screen load, then hear a "click" and see only a blank screen. I tried SMB3Mix, SMB3 and F-1 Race (Famicom) as tests. My SMB3 cart booted right back up. Rolling back to beta 6 (I jumped from 4 to 7) seemed to fix my issues. I also noticed all my settings were reset, which I don't recall on other Firmware upgrades. I will email support.

Nov 2, 2016 at 9:19:18 PM
Tulpa (2)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11400 - Joined: 12/24/2013
Might just roll it back to b6. When you update the firmware it deletes the old one.

Nov 7, 2016 at 1:01:30 PM
Odin Belmont (0)
< Little Mac >
Posts: 83 - Joined: 09/16/2016
Glad I read here first before updating new FW. Think I'll stay on b6 until it's sorted.

Nov 7, 2016 at 1:11:18 PM
Tulpa (2)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11400 - Joined: 12/24/2013
Yeah, I kept getting noise on b7, and it didn't improve my Xexyz cart.

Nov 7, 2016 at 10:44:10 PM
BrianC (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 28 - Joined: 09/27/2015
Odd. Xexyz worked for me from the actual cart when I updated to b7, but it only worked from the Everdrive n8 previously. It works from both now, though if I have other issues come up, I'll roll back. Too bad there doesn't seem to be a translation patch available for the Japanese version. It has some interesting differences and seems quite a bit more quirky compared to the US version.

Edited: 11/07/2016 at 10:46 PM by BrianC

Nov 8, 2016 at 1:51:32 AM
Seppatoni (0)
< Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 294 - Joined: 05/04/2008
My Xexyz card worked since the first firmware update (never tried the preinstalled firmware) without any problem.
So I'll wait with updating my AVS.

> Seppatoni's Zockerstübchen

Dec 1, 2016 at 12:50:53 AM
BrianC (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 28 - Joined: 09/27/2015
I downgraded to the latest non beta hardware (1.10) and Xexyz works correctly on that too. It also solved the issue I had with Everdrive (odd artifacts on some games. They didn't appear on AV Famicom).

Edited: 12/01/2016 at 12:52 AM by BrianC

Dec 1, 2016 at 8:41:24 PM
Tulpa (2)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11400 - Joined: 12/24/2013
I can't get Xexyz to work on any firmware, and I tried them all.

I think it's just my cart.

Dec 21, 2016 at 8:39:21 PM
Firebrandx (7)
(Wolff Morrow) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 906 - Joined: 10/31/2012
United States
Just wanted to thank RetroUSB for adding in my Unsat-V6 palette. My AVS arrived today and I was already OCD-bothered by the default palette, so I updated the firmware to 1.20b7 and set to Unsat-V6. MUCH better! Even though my work on NES palette continues (currently working on a PVM custom palette for CRT users), it honestly wouldn't bother me in the slightest if they just stuck with Unsat-V6. It's a damn fine palette for nostalgia reasons.

Anyway, I'm running Contra via the Everdrive N8 and it looks great. I'll start trying some of the other games to see if I encounter any issues. I've got about 150 or so physical carts (all my favorites), so I can cross-check with original carts if I find anything.

Thanks again!

Edit: Castlevania 3 is garbled during game-play when loaded from the Everdrive N8, while the real physical cart plays fine. I recall seeing this same garble of graphics once in CIII when I loaded the N8 on original hardware, so I'm thinking maybe there's a pin interface misread by the beta firmware.

Edited: 12/21/2016 at 09:11 PM by Firebrandx

Dec 21, 2016 at 10:20:29 PM
avlon (2)
< Crack Trooper >
Posts: 158 - Joined: 06/15/2016
New York
I had the same issue with Castlevania 3 on the Everdrive, while the real cart worked perfectly.  Turn off the extra sprites feature if it's on. That should resolve it.

  Check out my Youtube Channel @ !! Thank you! 

Dec 25, 2016 at 4:47:39 PM
Firebrandx (7)
(Wolff Morrow) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 906 - Joined: 10/31/2012
United States
Originally posted by: avlon

I had the same issue with Castlevania 3 on the Everdrive, while the real cart worked perfectly.  Turn off the extra sprites feature if it's on. That should resolve it.

Good call! I forgot I had that enabled.

Dec 26, 2016 at 8:54:55 PM
Zink (0)

< Cherub >
Posts: 12 - Joined: 09/16/2016
My Xexyz and Faxanadu do not work either. I think maybe I have already communicated with you, Tulpa. BunnyBoy tried to remedy the issue with an update, but didn't work.

Edited: 12/26/2016 at 08:55 PM by Zink

Dec 27, 2016 at 2:18:31 AM
spoonman (66)
(Matt - The Obsessed Gamer) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2681 - Joined: 09/19/2007
New York
Does the current batch of AVS systems have the fixed Micro USB and extended cartridge connector?
I've been promoting it on my website and some people have been asking about this.

Dec 27, 2016 at 12:28:00 PM
Tulpa (2)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11400 - Joined: 12/24/2013
Fixed microusb, yes. Extended cart connector, no.

But they're all sold out, too. March-May 2017 is the next shipment.

Dec 28, 2016 at 6:06:50 AM
spoonman (66)
(Matt - The Obsessed Gamer) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2681 - Joined: 09/19/2007
New York
Originally posted by: Tulpa

Fixed microusb, yes. Extended cart connector, no.

But they're all sold out, too. March-May 2017 is the next shipment.

I am really happy with the video quality of the AVS, and have referred many others who have themselves gone on to purchase one, but I'm not happy that I can't play some of my favorite games on it such as Mega Man 2 because of the cartridge connector not being deep enough. All in I have around 10 games that aren't working on the AVS, yet they work fine on my '85 NES. Mega Man 2 was actually the very first game I tried on the AVS so it was extra disappointing and baffling that it wasn't working. 

I figured he would have had replacements well before 2017.
So it could very well be another 6 months (9 months total) before I can play games such as MM2 on my AVS.

I really hate worrying about the USB port too. I'm pretty gentle with all of my consoles, but it seems like it takes very little force to snap it right off. I know its covered under warranty or whatever, but it's still a hassle and it shouldn't be something to worry over. 

Dec 28, 2016 at 12:11:21 PM
bunnyboy (81)
(Funktastic B) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 7704 - Joined: 02/28/2007
Originally posted by: spoonman

Does the current batch of AVS systems have the fixed Micro USB and extended cartridge connector?
I've been promoting it on my website and some people have been asking about this.
The ones that are being built now have both fixes.  The replacement NES connectors will arrive in the same shipment.

Dec 28, 2016 at 4:50:37 PM
spoonman (66)
(Matt - The Obsessed Gamer) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2681 - Joined: 09/19/2007
New York
Originally posted by: bunnyboy
Originally posted by: spoonman

Does the current batch of AVS systems have the fixed Micro USB and extended cartridge connector?
I've been promoting it on my website and some people have been asking about this.
The ones that are being built now have both fixes.  The replacement NES connectors will arrive in the same shipment.
OK, thanks for clarifying that.

How about the Micro USB spacer piece to stabilize the jack.
Will those also be made available at the same time?

Also, is it possible to add a video zoom-in function for the AVS?
One of the Xbox NES emulators has this option and it works surprisingly well with some games with a large overscan area or others with nonessential info on the top/bottom area. It helps fill up a 16:9 screen without resorting to distorted pixel stretching. Just curious if it was possible.