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FO: large variety of unofficial Gameboy games

Oct 02 at 12:35:36 PM
fcgamer (101)

(Dave ) < Bowser >
Posts: 7352 - Joined: 01/22/2008
Hi guys, here's the deal: I got a wide variety of (extra) unofficial Gameboy games up for grabs. Some are original / unique games developed in Taiwan, some are bootleg multicarts, some are unofficial Chinese translations of Japanese games, some are pirates made for the Taiwan Market with localised boxes featuring Chinese on them. Each picture states which category the games on the picture fall into.

About pricing, please just make an offer if you see something interesting, or at least contact me and we can chat and go from there. Some of this stuff is imo only worth $5, others is worth $$$ imo. It just depends on the item, and those that know me also know I always try to be fair on pricing.

For the somewhat interested folks, please message me if you fancy anything - later this month I will probably take what I haven't sold here and list it on famicom world site, but more than likely, most of the boxed stuff that doesn't sell will be assimilated into my collection permanently if it doesn't sell by the end of the year.

Family Bits:  An Unauthorized, Complete Guide to Famicom, Dendy, and Pegasus
