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Semi Official SNES Guide List Super Nintendo List (complete?) - reworked 03.07.2018

Jan 4, 2014 at 3:33:26 PM
acidjaguar (668)
(Lloyd Christmas) < Bowser >
Posts: 5917 - Joined: 07/28/2008
Hello again NA World!  It's time to release a new list and see if everyone can help contribute some scans and info to help finish this off!  Taking bits and pieces from everyone I've put it all in a nice table for you all to scan over and see if you can help me get to the end of the SNES guides.

Please feel free to PM if you can provide scans of covers for issues not scanned in already.  I would be grateful and this way we can provide a nice visual guide for everyone!

Enjoy!  And please discuss....  I have left out supplemental guides for now (gamepro insert guides/EGM mini guides).  I am on the fence with adding them, but I suppose they technically are a part of the set?  Help me decide and I can add what I know at the bottom later

Name Publisher / Author Cover Scans

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder Capcom  photo SNESADDEyeoftheBeholdercapcom_zps4a5b80de.jpg
Ballz 3D Bradygames  photo SNESBallz_zpsb224f8fd.jpg
Batman Forever GamePro  photo SNESBatmanForeverGamepro_zps47f0f67e.jpg
Beavis and Butthead Bradygames  photo SNESBeavisandButtheadCheatersGuidebrady_zps029a1748.jpg
Blackthorne Prima  photo SNESBlackthornePSOTG_zps291d0a8e.jpg
Brain Lord (Guy Cover) Infotainment  photo SNESBrainlordManCover_zpsbe6d62a2.jpg
Brain Lord (Rock Island Cover) Infotainment  photo SNESBrainlordislandcover_zps26493750.jpg
Breath of Fire Prima  photo SNESBreathofFireprima_zpsfb17ef3b.jpg
Breath of Fire II Prima  photo SNESBreathofFire2prima_zps19d25e64.jpg
Breath of Fire II variant cover Prima  photo SNESBreathofFire2variant_zps9398820f.jpg
Bubsy Bobcats Totally Authorized Answer Book Donald McCrary  photo SNESBubsyBobcatsTotallyAuthorizedAnswerBookdonalmccrary_zps5f0655b1.jpg
Bubsy I & II Bradygames  photo SNESBubsyIandII_zps8764bd26.jpg
Chrono Trigger Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESChronoTrigger_zps1bffb9cc.jpg
Donkey Kong Country I Bradygames  photo SNESDKCbrady_zps7e0fd661.jpg
Donkey Kong Country I Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESDonkeyKongCountry1NPG_zps6a27c664.jpg
Donkey Kong Country I Prima  photo SNESDKCprima_zps552f047b.jpg
Donkey Kong Country I Pocket Size Bradygames  photo SNESDonkeyKongCountry1miniBrady_zps323103c2.jpg

Donkey Kong Country II
Bradygames  photo SNES Donkey Kong Country 2 BRADY_zpststsxzl2.jpg
Donkey Kong Country II Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESDonkeyKongCountry2NPG_zpse3984ab9.jpg

Donkey Kong Country II
Prima  photo SNES Donkey Kong Country 2 PRIMA_zpseuutl56e.jpg
Donkey Kong Country II Pocket Size Bradygames  photo SNESDonkeyKongCountry2miniBrady_zpsb2c75106.jpg

Donkey Kong Country III
Bradygames  photo SNES Donkey Kong Country 3 BRADY_zpsj3zq4dl6.jpg
Donkey Kong Country III Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESDonkeyKongCountry3NPG_zps9b9f08cd.jpg
Doom Bradygames  photo SNESDoom_zps5fadf5c6.jpg
Double Dragon V Bradygames  photo SNESDoubleDragonVbrady_zpsc94bfa13.jpg
Earthbound Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESEarthbound_zps76083f63.jpg
Earthworm Jim I: Official Game Secrets Prima  photo SNESEWJprima_zpsa8c133ec.jpg
Earthworm Jim II Prima  photo SNESEWJ2prima_zpsed9ddd80.jpg
Flashback US Gold
Final Fantasy III Infotainment  photo SNESFinalFantasyIIIinfotainment_zps3fc8d049.jpg
Final Fantasy III Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESFinalFantasy3NPG_zps90837ffa.jpg
Final Fantasy III Prima  photo SNESFinalFantasy3ForbiddenGameSecretsPSOTG_zps50af6cb5.jpg
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest Squaresoft  photo SNESMysticQuest_zpsd43a30c6.jpg
Inside Madden 94 Bradygames  photo SNESMadden94_zpsc978d1a1.jpg

Inside NHL 94
Bradygames  photo SNESInsideNHL94_zps70a124f1.jpg
Inside NBA Showdown Bradygames  photo SNESNBAShowdown_zps661c0819.jpg
Judge Dredd Bradygames  photo SNESJudgeDreddbradygames_zpsbcff7f05.jpg

Killer Instinct
Bradygames  photo SNES Killer Instinct BRADY_zpskq512glp.jpg
Killer Instinct Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESKillerInstinctNPG_zpsf6784877.jpg
Killer Instinct Game Secrets Prima  photo SNESKillerInstinctprima_zps24716b7e.jpg
Killer Instinct: Pocket Codes Bradygames  photo SNESKillerInstinctminiBrady_zps11428660.jpg
Lagoon Seiko  photo SNESLagoonHintBook_zps118e235c.jpg
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESZeldaLttPNPG_zpsf2abb90e.jpg
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (purple cover) Prima  photo SNESZeldaLttPPSOTG_zps20894f04.jpg
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (sword cover) Prima  photo SNESZeldaswordcovervariant_zps2735244e.jpg
Legend of Zelda Three, How to Win at Gamewiz  photo SNES How to Win at Zelda Three Gamewiz_zpspdm0gt9t.jpg
Lion King Bradygames  photo SNESLionKing_zpse64db23f.jpg
Lord of the Rings Prima  photo SNESLordoftheRingsprima_zps61437a31.jpg
Lufia and the Fortress of Doom Infotainment  photo SNESLufia_zpsb9cd8261.jpg
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals    photo SNESLufia2_zps5814e439.jpg
Mario Mania Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESMarioManianpg_zps24d7fdcc.jpg
Mario Paint Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESMarioPaintnpg_zps393d6a02.jpg
Maximum Carnage Prima  photo SNESMaximumCarnage_zps83125c7f.jpg
Mega Man X Prima  photo SNESMegaManX_zpsaf3be8aa.jpg

Mortal Kombat
GamePro  photo SNESMortalKombat_zpsf0e902e8.jpg
Mortal Kombat Publishers Internation LTD  photo SNESMortalKombatPL_zps398fe9c2.jpg
Mortal Kombat Fighter's Kompanion Cyberquest
(aka - Bradygames)
 photo SNESMortalKombatFightersKompanion_zps8b94c3ae.jpg

Mortal Kombat Super Book
Bradygames  photo SNESMortalKombatSuperBook_zpse335d8ec.jpg
Mortal Kombat II Bradygames  photo SNESMortalKombatII_zps46b0c9ea.jpg
Mortal Kombat II Infotainment

Mortal Kombat II
Prima  photo SNES Mortal Kombat II PRIMA_zpsfazwxe0y.jpg
Mortal Kombat II Pocket Kodes Bradygames  photo SNESMortalKombatIIpocketkodesbrady_zps68a2d834.jpg
Mortal Kombat III Prima  photo SNESMortalKombat3prima_zps14d79189.jpg
Mortal Kombat III Sandwich Islands  photo SNESMortalKombat3_zps97d19d21.jpg
Mortal Kombat III Fighter's Kompanion Bradygames  photo SNESMK3FightersKompanionBrady_zps59b86710.jpg

Mortal Kombat III Komplete
Gamefan  photo SNES Mortal Kombat III Komplete GAMEFAN_zpsbdenzrp7.jpg
Mortal Kombat III Pocket Kodes Bradygames  photo SNESMK3PocketKodesbrady_zpsa8a042e8.jpg
Ultimate Mortal Kombat III Fighter's Kompanion Bradygames  photo SNESUltimateMortalKombatIIIFightersKompanionbrady_zps16ea7aa3.jpg
Ultimate Mortal Kombat III Pocket Size Bradygames  photo SNESUltimateMortalKombat3miniBrady_zpse9cb1391.jpg

NBA Hangtime
Bradygames  photo SNESNBAHangTimebrady_zpsa31403bc.jpg
NBA Jam Bradygames  photo SNESNBAJam_zps1861a504.jpg

GamePro  photo SNES NBA Jam GAMEPRO_zps7coraga9.jpg

NBA Jam Pocket Size

**Cover Variant: Walmart $9.99 Cover**
Bradygames  photo SNESNBAJamTEbrady_zpsdba94386.jpg

NBA Jam TE Superbook
Bradygames  photo SNESNBAJamTESuperBookbrady_zpsa81c115e.jpg

NBA Jam TE Pocket Size
NBA Jam TE Official Power Play Guide Prima  photo SNESNBAJAMTEOfficialPowerPlayGuide_zpsea588b79.jpg
Ogre Battle Prima  photo SNESOgreBattlePSOTG_zpsdf7e040f.jpg
Pitfall Infotainment  photo SNESPitfall_zps4f7ca671.jpg
Primal Rage Bradygames  photo SNESPrimalRagebrady_zps5b969b85.jpg
Primal Rage GamePro  photo SNESPrimalRagegamepro_zps062359ae.jpg
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Reign of Fire Prima  photo SNESRomanceoftheThreeKingdomsIVPSOTG_zps2a363ab6.jpg
Secret of Evermore Bradygames  photo SNESSecretofEvermorebrady_zps4d0dfa0e.jpg
Secret of Evermore Prima  photo SNESSecretofEvermoreprima_zps68703537.jpg
Secret of Mana

**Cover Variant:  Full Color maps Inside**
**Cover Variant:  Specific Strategies Inside**
Prima  photo SNESSecretofMana_zps763e8cc0.jpg
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Future's Past Bradygames  photo SNESStarTrekbrady_zps0de48a59.jpg

Street Fighter Alpha II
Versus Books  photo SNES Street Fighter Alpha 2 VS_zps23kzalbc.jpg
Street Fighter II Turbo Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESStreetFighterIITurbo_zpse2b20536.jpg
Street Fighter II Turbo Gamepro  photo SNESStreetFighterIITurbogamepro_zps94a4c14e.jpg
Super Game Boy Nintendo Player's Guide  photo neses0018_zps8f5bb78c.jpg
Super Mario All-Stars Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESMarioAllStarsnpg_zps749071b4.jpg
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Bradygames  photo SNESSuperMarioRPGbrady_zpsdfb97df4.jpg
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESSuperMarioRPGnpg_zps6bba81d1.jpg
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Prima  photo SNESSuperMarioRPGprima_zpse841bb84.jpg

Super Mario World Game Secrets
Prima  photo SNESSuperMarioWorldpsotg_zps383cb228.jpg
Super Mario World Game Secrets variant cover Prima  photo SNESSuperMarioWorldGameSecretsvariantpstog_zps4499345f.jpg
Super Mario World II: Yoshi's Island Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESSuperMarioWorld2YoshisIslandnpg_zps92abf530.jpg
Super Mario World II: Yoshi's Island Sandwich Island  photo SNESYoshisIsland_zps83fe67ab.jpg
Super Mario World II: Yoshi's Island Pocket Codes - Totally Unauthorized Guide Bradygames  photo SNESYoshisIslandTUG_zps06cf76fd.jpg
Super Metroid Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESSuperMetroid_zpsc6c912d6.jpg
Super Metroid Prima  photo SNESSuperMetroidprima_zps482ffa04.jpg
Super Star Wars Prima  photo SNESSuperStarWarsLucasarts_zps79db323c.jpg
Super Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Prima  photo SNESSuperEmpireStrikesBackLucasarts_zpsb87871eb.jpg
Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi Infotainment  photo SNESSuperReturnoftheJedi_zps50496723.jpg

Super Street Fighter II
Bradygames  photo SNES GENESIS Super Street Fighter II BRADY_zpszrnni0ji.jpg
Super Street Fighter II GamePro  photo SNESSuperStreetFighter2gamepro_zps9f6ffebd.jpg
Street Fighter II

**Cover Variant:  Free Poster Inside**
GamePro  photo SNESStreetFighterIIgamepro_zps5d1b7928.jpg
Tecmo Secret of the Stars Tecmo  photo SNESTecmoSecretoftheStars_zps2f9f29d1.jpg

Toy Story
Bradygames  photo SNESToyStorybrady_zps336cda68.jpg
Troy Aikman NFL Football Bradygames  photo SNESTroyAikmanFootballbrady_zps0dc57aa1.jpg
Virtual Bart Prima  photo SNESVirtualBart_zps90bfdf20.jpg
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom Capcom  photo SNESWizardryVheartofthemaelstrom_zps5e5f06e3.jpg

MultiGame Guide
Awesome Super Nintendo Secrets vol 1 Douglas Arnold  photo SNESAwesomeSuperNintendoSecrets_zps32821b75.jpg
Awesome Super Nintendo Secrets vol 2 Douglas Arnold  photo SNESAwesomeSuperNintendoSecrets2_zpsdff9fb48.pngx
Awesome Super Nintendo Secrets vol 3 Douglas Arnold  photo SNESAwesomeSuperNintendoSecrets3_zps5d4d64e9.pngx
Awesome Super Nintendo Secrets vol 4 Douglas Arnold  photo SNESAwesomeSuperNintendoSecretsv4_zps54a726f3.jpg
Battletoads: Battlebook Steve Schwartz  photo SNESBattletoadsBattlebookPSOTG_zpsbcb2a3f0.jpg
Castlevania Hint Book Donald McCrary  photo SNESCastlevaniaIV_zpsbdc0be22.jpg
Cheats! Gamepro  photo SNES GENSIS Cheats GAMEPRO_zpsrhiinewz.png
Compute's Conquering Zelda 2nd edition Donald McCrary  photo SNESComputesConqueringZelda_zpse708e90b.jpg
Compute's Guide to Super NES Games Compute  photo SNES Compute Conquering Super NES Games_zpsh48l86bp.jpg
Compute's Guide to Super Nintendo Compute  photo SNESComputesGuidetoSuperNintendo_zps5a36483b.png
EA Sports Official Power Play Guide EA  photo SNESEASportsOfficialPowerPlayGuide_zpse3408acc.jpg
Fighting Game Secrets: Black Belt Edition Bradygames  photo SNES Fighting Game Secrets Black Belt Ed_zpsjxz9ahag.jpg
Fighting Game Secrets II Bradygames  photo VARIOUS SNES SEGA Fighting Game Secrets II BRADY_zpsbnhrxaio.jpg
Fighting Game Secrets III Bradygames  photo SNES N64 SEGA Fighting Game Secrets III BRADY_zpsidkcsymx.jpg
Gamemaster Conquering Super Nintendo Games Jeff Rovin  photo SNES Conquering Super Nintendo Games Gamemaster ROVIN_zpshjj1xcso.jpg
Gamemaster The Complete Video Game Guide 1995 Jeff Rovin  photo SNES Gamemaster Complete Video Game Guide 1995 ROVIN_zpsx0yen8mm.jpg
How To Win at Super Nintendo Games Jeff Rovin  photo SNESHowtoWinatSuperNintendoGamesRovin_zps248eb459.png
Mortal Kombat, Video Games Presents a Look at Video Games Magazine  photo SNES Mortal Kombat 1 2 3 VIDEO GAMES MAGAZINE_zpsxjarfl9b.jpg
Official Super NES Game Guide Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESOfficialSuperNESGameGuideNPG_zpsd29080b7.jpg
PlayAction Strategies: Super Nintendo Consumer Reports  photo SNESPlayactionStrategiesConsumerGuide_zps5c1fba5b.jpg
Power Player's Guide GamePro  photo SNESGameproPowerPlayersGuide_zps19074c57.png
Secret Codes for Super NES Brady Games  photo SNESSecretCodesforSuperNESbrady_zpsdee325c7.png
Super NES Nintendo Player's Guide  photo SNESNPG_zps7f4cb346.jpg
Super NES Games Secrets vol 1 Prima PSOTG  photo SNESGameSecretsPSOTG_zpscdd35604.jpg
Super NES Games Secrets vol 2 Prima PSOTG  photo SNESGameSecretsv2PSOTG_zps7046fba3.png

Super NES Games Secrets vol 3
Prima PSOTG  photo SNES Super NES Game Secrets vol 3 PSOTG PRIMA_zpsnmcs0uh3.jpg
Super NES Games Secrets vol 4 Prima PSOTG  photo SNESGameSecretsv4PSOTG_zps24293328.pngx
Super NES Games Secrets Greatest Tips GamePro  photo SNESGameproSuperNESGamesSecretsGreatestTips_zps47c80d64.png

Super NES Unauthorized Power Tips Book vol 1
Prima PSOTG  photo SNESGamesUnauthorizedPowerTipsBookv1and2_zpsb51d157f.png
Super NES Unauthorized Power Tips Book vol 2 Prima PSOTG

Top Secret Passwords
Nintendo Player's Guide  photo NESNPGTopSecretPasswords_zps4410d877.jpg
Urban Strike Electronic Arts  photo SNESUrbanStrikeSeriesEA_zps588315f5.jpg
Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Super NES Game Strategies '94 edition Sandler  photo SNESUltimateUnauthorizedNintendoSuperNESGameStrategies94edition_zpsd08a7176.jpg
Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Super NES Game Strategies 2nd edition to fix  photo SNESUltimateUnauthorizedNintendoSuperNESGameStrategies2nded_zps47eba422.jpg
ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Super NES Game Strategies '95 edition Rich  photo SNESUltimateUnauthorizedNintendoSuperNESGameStrategies95edition_zps9162bd1d.jpg
Vidiot Boy's Adventurer's Guide

Super Metroid
Dungeon Master
Vidiot Productions  photo SNESVidiotBoysSuperMetroidShadowrunDungeonMaster_zps5dd3d40b.jpg
Vidiot Boy's Guide to Passwords & Codes Vidiot Productions  photo Vidiot Boys guide to Passwords and Codes_zpstwitsuvm.jpg
Vidiot Boy's Guide to Street Fighters

Mortal Kombat II, Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II, Clayfighter
Vidiot Productions  photo SNES Vidiot Boy Guide for Street Fighters_zpschkgaftr.jpg
Vidiot Boy's Guide to Zelda

Zelda 1, 2, 3 and GB Version
Vidiot Productions  photo NESZeldaVidiotguide_zps4222188f.jpg

Donkey Kong Country Mega Play  photo SNESCompleteGuidetoDKCimport_zps78d68ba2.jpg

Street Fighter 2
publisher xxx
Street Racer publisher  photo SNESStreetRacerImport_zpsa32661d5.jpg
Super Action Play Guide    photo SNESSuperActionZeldaMarioSF2import_zps506abce1.jpg
Super Mario All Stars Super XS  photo SNESSuperMarioAllStarsEuroXS_zps6f514468.jpg
Super Mario All Stars    photo SNESSuperMarioAllStarsimport_zps2c4842c7.jpg
Super Metroid    photo SNESSuperMetroidplayersguideimport_zps32d8926f.jpg
Tricky Tipster's Game Guide    photo SNESTrickstersSuperNintendoimport_zps559abe9c.jpg

VHS Guides
WrestleMania The Arcade Game

Coliseum Video  photo SNESVHSWrestlemaniaandWWFRaw_zps8291bb56.jpg

For sale thread located here: click
Wanted to buy: click

Top wants currently: 
Old NES / SNES era newsletters and mailings
Original GB Chinese games (CHN coding on label)


Edited: 03/07/2018 at 11:08 AM by acidjaguar

Jan 4, 2014 at 3:43:14 PM
jkenned5 (131)
(Jordan Kennedy) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3607 - Joined: 10/21/2011
i will help you with n64

Jan 4, 2014 at 4:17:56 PM
K.Thrower (120)
(Kenny Boy) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8800 - Joined: 08/08/2010
Awesome work as usual Andrew, love these lists!

Ready for adventure!

Jan 4, 2014 at 4:22:46 PM
alekx (108)
(Alexander Kong) < Bowser >
Posts: 6383 - Joined: 06/09/2010
Bookmarked, very useful info thank you for such great effort!

Jan 4, 2014 at 4:25:12 PM
snoopy101 (91)
< El Ripper >
Posts: 1040 - Joined: 04/23/2013
this helps a ton me. thanks for doing this

Jan 4, 2014 at 5:33:48 PM
RESET2019 (35)

(Jered McFerron) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1738 - Joined: 07/25/2011
I wish I had some to contribute, but you've got all the ones I could scan. Thanks for the list though, this is awesome!

Jan 4, 2014 at 6:53:49 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Very nice list. I'm not sure you want it but Top Secret Passwords by Nintendo covered SNES (NES/GB too.) Also you're missing Mario Mania which has the history (to that point) of Mario, little bits on 1-3, but it's mainly I think a Super Mario World guide.

I think I saw in your own sales thread you had a guide for Flashback SNES, it's not up there unless I missed it.

While this next guide I'll mention is for the PC game and it's sequel, since the stages were not modified it is very useful for the original which is on a SNES cart -- Wing Commander. It's called Wing Commander 1 & 2 the Ultimate Strategy Guide.

Jan 4, 2014 at 7:24:05 PM
acidjaguar (668)
(Lloyd Christmas) < Bowser >
Posts: 5917 - Joined: 07/28/2008
This is why ... I can't remember it all!

Mario Mania was already on the list but I added Top Secret Passwords to the multigame section. The Flashback guide is technically a Sega Genesis guide and I thought there was a SNES version but I can't prove it at all yet.

I added a few more I forgot to before publishing. Mostly in the multigame section and two more imports I forgot (Street Racer and Street Fighter 2)

For sale thread located here: click
Wanted to buy: click

Top wants currently: 
Old NES / SNES era newsletters and mailings
Original GB Chinese games (CHN coding on label)


Jan 4, 2014 at 7:42:59 PM
RetroSauce (176)
(Andrew Sauce) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2211 - Joined: 01/03/2012
Originally posted by: acidjaguar

This is why ... I can't remember it all!

Mario Mania was already on the list but I added Top Secret Passwords to the multigame section. The Flashback guide is technically a Sega Genesis guide and I thought there was a SNES version but I can't prove it at all yet.

I added a few more I forgot to before publishing. Mostly in the multigame section and two more imports I forgot (Street Racer and Street Fighter 2)
Flashback has a SNES specific guide. Here is a link

Jan 4, 2014 at 9:28:18 PM
maelwys (143)
(Mike W) < Crack Trooper >
Posts: 178 - Joined: 09/28/2012
Popping over from Sega Age - we've been slowly building a list like this for Sega as well and you have all we've gathered plus more. Awesome work!

Jan 4, 2014 at 10:01:42 PM
nintendopower_4_ever (75)

(john smith) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1541 - Joined: 12/16/2010
United States
Super Mario World Prima alternate Cover

Breath of Fire II Prima "Includes 16 Full-Color Pages of Official Art"

Jan 4, 2014 at 11:16:48 PM
Faltain1 (112)
This user has been banned -- click for more information.
(~Faltain~ ) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3250 - Joined: 06/03/2012
United States
Chaos Seed has one for the SFC:

Been spying it as the translation of the game has been coming along.

To-do manuals: Arabian Knights, Gulliver Boy, Dark Law, Brandish 2, Flying Hero
Finished manuals: Neugier, Wonder Project J, Burning Heroes, Star Ocean, FEDA, Monstania, Chaos Seed

Edited: 01/04/2014 at 11:17 PM by Faltain1

Jan 5, 2014 at 1:33:38 AM
Informationator (14)
(Information Ator) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 424 - Joined: 12/18/2011
Nice work, dude!

Jan 5, 2014 at 4:49:08 AM
Steve (12)
(Steve RVG) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1797 - Joined: 02/25/2011
United States
Nice work! Heh, I actually received the Game Pro Primal Rage one in the mail like literally 2 days ago. It's vastly superior to the crappy Brady Games one.

Have most of those guides. Good stuff

RVGFANATIC | SNES reviews and remembrances


Jan 5, 2014 at 8:44:48 AM
Psychopat (23)
(Patrick Paquin) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 495 - Joined: 04/07/2011
You should totally add this to the site one way or the other...

That flag next to my name means I live in the evil country known as Canada.... you were warned!
Going for a complete Playsation 1 set: 639/1284

Jan 5, 2014 at 9:15:46 AM
nintendopower_4_ever (75)

(john smith) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1541 - Joined: 12/16/2010
United States

Jan 5, 2014 at 10:59:38 AM
doner24 (326)
(Jesse D) < Bowser >
Posts: 6286 - Joined: 02/13/2010


WTB: Please help me find the following items
Hurricanes and Super Copa Boxes


Jan 5, 2014 at 11:00:37 AM
doner24 (326)
(Jesse D) < Bowser >
Posts: 6286 - Joined: 02/13/2010
Originally posted by: nintendopower_4_ever

NBA Jam TE Prima

Nice, first time I've seen this one. I also don't have the Breath of Fire variant.


WTB: Please help me find the following items
Hurricanes and Super Copa Boxes


Jan 5, 2014 at 12:46:17 PM
acidjaguar (668)
(Lloyd Christmas) < Bowser >
Posts: 5917 - Joined: 07/28/2008
Updated!  Thank you all for the links 

  • Flashback
  • Super Mario World Game Secrets alt cover
  • BoF2 alt cover
  • NBA Jam TE prima
  • EA Sports Guide

@Faltain - Holding off on SFC guides.  I wish we had the library of guides that Japan did... man they have soooo many more 

@Psychopat - Dain has been integrating these lists into search functions so you should be able to search a game out and see that there is a guide category now as well....

For sale thread located here: click
Wanted to buy: click

Top wants currently: 
Old NES / SNES era newsletters and mailings
Original GB Chinese games (CHN coding on label)


Jan 5, 2014 at 3:47:29 PM
cgfeelit (163)
(Clint Gibbs) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 937 - Joined: 08/07/2013
Nice work. 
Here are some pictures of ones your missing

Edited: 01/05/2014 at 04:21 PM by cgfeelit

Feb 14, 2014 at 4:26:06 AM
shortstop444 (12)

< El Ripper >
Posts: 1242 - Joined: 02/13/2014
CHEATS! The Ulktimate Guide for Genesis and SNES - Strodder and Russo (GamePro)

GAMEMASTER The Complete Video Game Guide 1995 - Jeff Rovin
GAMEMASTER Conquering Super Nintendo Games - Jeff Rovin
SECRET CODES for Super NES - Brady Games

Not sure if these 2 qualify as SNES:
The Prophecies of Drakkhen - Hint Book - Steve Peterson (Data East USA, Inc.)
The Official Hint Manual for Wolfenstein 3d - Id Software

The 2 B/W scans are Warrior World Newsletters from Enix. Only 4 pages each. Apparently available only by mail. The 2 I have are addresssed to someone else. Not much to scanning the rest of the pages if you're interested. Similar to the first couple issues of Nintendo Fun Club.

Edited: 02/14/2014 at 05:51 AM by shortstop444

May 21, 2015 at 8:59:59 AM
nintendopower_4_ever (75)

(john smith) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1541 - Joined: 12/16/2010
United States
Fighting Game Secrets: Black Belt Edition BradyGames

How to Win at Playing Zelda III DR.Gamewiz Peanut Butter Publishing

Jun 19, 2015 at 1:53:12 PM
nintendopower_4_ever (75)

(john smith) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1541 - Joined: 12/16/2010
United States
Here's one that I had a hard time finding in nice condition.

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine Presents "A Look at Mortal Kombat"

There's a trashy copy on ebay right now if someone wants a copy and doesn't want to wait for a better one.

Jun 19, 2015 at 8:18:30 PM
shortstop444 (12)

< El Ripper >
Posts: 1242 - Joined: 02/13/2014
Here's one from the Editors of Consumer Guide that's not NES

Jun 19, 2015 at 9:17:50 PM
JCE3000GT (4)
(J E) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 554 - Joined: 06/05/2012
I think I have a Mortal Kombat II variant not listed. When I get home from vacation I will try and get a picture up of it.
