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Redditor claims to have obtained "hundreds" of pre-production PS2/PSP discs

Jul 21, 2018 at 1:11:40 PM
teh lurv (118)
< King Solomon >
Posts: 4915 - Joined: 07/17/2013
A day ago a redditor posted on r/PSP that a box containing hundreds of PSP/PS2 pre-production discs turned up at his workplace. From the thread, he posted a pic of one of the games he pulled out of the box:

A quick scan of the thread he claims he found promotional discs and possible prototype discs for Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, and MGS games.

Link to the reddit thread:

My son... gives me Helpful Nintendo Hints that are far too complex for the adult mind to comprehend. Here's a verbatim example: "OK, there's Ganon and miniature Ganon and there's these things like jelly beans and the miniature Ganon is more powerfuller, because when you touch him the flying eagles come down and the octopus shoots red rocks and the swamp takes longer." And the hell of it is, I know he's right. - Dave Barry

Jul 21, 2018 at 8:26:19 PM
Yelir (28)
(Riley Gallant) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1370 - Joined: 11/30/2011
Even though I hated the PSP, this is a potential amazing find and would be cool to see the updated haul!