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What about Crash N' the Boys Ice Challenge?

Feb 17, 2010 at 3:45:41 PM
DreamTR (163)
(Jason Wilson) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4452 - Joined: 01/10/2007
Other people make up these threads about NWCs and Stadium Events. I don't. I never said how much I sold my recent SE for. I never said anything about any of that stuff. For some reason you are reading so much into my postings which I rarely do anyway.

Here are facts: I don't talk about myself and make threads about the latest "proto" findings I have, or make threads talking about how you beat me in an eBay auction. YOU are constantly striving for attention and recognition about YOUR stuff more than anyone. I chime in on certain things but seriously, 100%, you want the recognition and fame from all this. That's why you constantly make posts and threads about the stuff you have. You bragged on practically every forum that you "had" more unreleased undumped NES prototypes than I did. Seriously, I read that everywhere, how I am the one talking about myself when you do things like this all the time is funny. You don't know what I have and what I don't have. My list that you saw that I put here once is partial. That's it. Some stuff added, some stuff subtracted, can't assume that list or the list on DRX's site is current because I haven't exactly sold a plethora of stuff...

I don't dick wave anything. You see a post by me, you think I am dick waving because you read into the context of the post and think I mean something I don't mean. That's not my fault you see it that way because you've never met me, so you don't know me.

What I do know is that anytime a remark is made and not even directly at you you turn hyper sensitive. You were kicked off Digital Press for trashing me because you WANT people to dislike me.

If the mods want to keep this open, so be it. Everyone can plainly see I contributed to information asked in this thread specifically. I do not "create" posts other than buying/selling. If I respond to anything it's because it was directly related to something I had.

If I ever "bragged" about anything, I would have websites and constant postings of all my stuff. People ASK me to take pics and get info on things, but the problem is you want the ultimate respect as a proto collector and trying to get people against me seems to be your only way of doing it.

Everyone on this forum BRAGS about something they get. You do it obsessively with everything you get proto related. I never do it. Just because you "know" I worked in the industry and have sources, it irks you. That's your problem that you need to get over. If I am needed to contribute things to this forum, that's great. Madden, Ike Ike, I owned both of these games, but your attacks and mannerisms are ridiculous.

Everyone gets tired of me having to defend myself but this is the problem, with enough attacks and hearsay, people take that stuff as being truth but you need to just get over whatever problem you have with this whole situation because it's not about me, it's about you. If there is an issue with me, people will tell me or not deal with me, simple as that. I collect for me and me only. No one else. I don't feel the need to make threads about things, but when I make a JOKE and JOKINGLY post about something, you freak out and start in with stuff like this.


Edited: 02/17/2010 at 03:50 PM by DreamTR

Feb 17, 2010 at 3:53:49 PM
NewUser123456789 (226)

(New User) < Bonk >
Posts: 17574 - Joined: 07/02/2007
OK guys this has gone too far once again..

Feb 17, 2010 at 3:56:43 PM
removed-07-06-2016 (214)

< Bowser >
Posts: 5018 - Joined: 06/26/2008
All this dick talk brings me to the moral of this story...

You know what another hilarious set of words that come to mind are? Penis-envy. DreamTR, in terms of prototypes, has a very large penis. Mark and Matt have big penises, as well, but in relation to Jason, their penises are still growing larger. It is natural when the penises collide in a topic like this, there is likely to be some smack going on. When you have as big of a penis as Jason, it is very hard to talk about your penis and where it is and where it's been and where it's going, without sounding like you're showing off. Fact of the matter, though, he's really just trying to share penis-information, and because people are easily distracted by the size of it, it often comes out wrong.

Feb 17, 2010 at 3:56:48 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Tell me how you really feel lol.

I make proto finds threads for new stuff I find.  I love talking about a new find and a new score.  Who wouldn't?  What I don't do is take credit for other people's finds or cut people down on their finds.  When you start posting about relevant stuff that you've recently found then I could understand what you're saying.

You don't start these threads, but you sure stir them up (See the SE thread where people jumped on you for stroking out completely unprovoked). 

Like I said early, I've received a good deal of prototypes as a result of people not wanting to deal with you.  That should tell you something. 

Originally posted by: DreamTR

it's better in person, honestly, but the reason you guys even see PEscatore for the Famicom is from that very lot... 

You're as guilty as I am. 

As for the DP thing, that's petty.  I was off the boards for 5 days because I called you a turd lol.  It wasn't exactly some crazed attack.

Again, neither one of us will change, so I suppose we should just get used to it.  I have some more finds threads in the works so I'll keep you posted.  In the meantime I'll read one of the 8,000 post you made about how you found all those NWC 10 years ago...

Feb 17, 2010 at 3:58:34 PM
removed-07-06-2016 (214)

< Bowser >
Posts: 5018 - Joined: 06/26/2008
Penis +1!

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:01:45 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: nesguy

All this dick talk brings me to the moral of this story...

You know what another hilarious set of words that come to mind are? Penis-envy. DreamTR, in terms of prototypes, has a very large penis. Mark and Matt have big penises, as well, but in relation to Jason, their penises are still growing larger. It is natural when the penises collide in a topic like this, there is likely to be some smack going on. When you have as big of a penis as Jason, it is very hard to talk about your penis and where it is and where it's been and where it's going, without sounding like you're showing off. Fact of the matter, though, he's really just trying to share penis-information, and because people are easily distracted by the size of it, it often comes out wrong.

Wow, all this talk about penises is getting me super wet

You couldn't be more right though.  A lot of this has to do with envy, as well as a fear of competition.  I wouldn't mind a collection like Dream's, that's for damn sure.  With that said, I don't think he's too keen to have anyone else in the market for things he wants.  It's a matter of constantly stepping on each other's toes, and also a clash a personality to boot.  It's a perfect storm for disliking one another.

Jason has about 3x as many prototypes for the NES as I have currently.  That gap is closing and the tempers tend to boil over as a result.  It's the nature of the beast.

Nothing new has been said here, so I'll just let it die.  We're both ego-crazed maniacs and don't like the idea of a spade being called a spade. 

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:04:16 PM
removed-07-06-2016 (214)

< Bowser >
Posts: 5018 - Joined: 06/26/2008
Sorry, couldn't help myself there. I was hoping, in addition to being constructive, to put the word penis in as many times as I could in one post without succumbing to nonsense. Hope I hold the record now!

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:05:02 PM
DreamTR (163)
(Jason Wilson) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4452 - Joined: 01/10/2007

Hey, if people don't want to deal with me but don't at least try and see what I would offer, that's their own fault...

Also, nesguy has it right, those comments I made are not meant to be "brags", you just see them that way. Even the Pescatore comment...that is meant to show how significant the overall Sunsoft find was to give an idea in the thread of how significant it was. It was misinterpreted severely because I was not "bragging" about it at all.

It's great you show off your new finds, but that's "talking about yourself" when you find something new. My comments I make are what irk you, but I'm not trying to cut anyone down, things are just mininterpreted and I think that remark must be related to the Kitty's Catch lot find you had...

People ASK ME about the NWCs. Not once did I ever create a thread saying "HERE IS HOW I FOUND THE NWCs", it's not my fault people are interested in the NWC and that story is pretty infamous, but if you see me talking about it, it's because people asked me. I really don't see how THAT is bragging and making new threads with all your new finds is not...I don't like the attention on that stuff so I don't make new threads about everything I get.

Beaglepuss, ultimately I do agree things will not change in that sense, but you are getting this wrong, you are more competitive in obtaining these than I am. I concentrate on collecting a whole pile of other things and my time is involved with that mostly. That is not meant to be a stab at you, NES protos are always something I like but they just aren't as important as they used to be in the grand scheme of things for me.


Edited: 02/17/2010 at 04:07 PM by DreamTR

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:06:05 PM
guillavoie (125)
(Der Graue Kasten) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8907 - Joined: 12/03/2007
Originally posted by: nesguy

Sorry, couldn't help myself there. I was hoping, in addition to being constructive, to put the word penis in as many times as I could in one post without succumbing to nonsense. Hope I hold the record now!

That is what we call metaphoric discourse, penis stands for just one characteristic of what the word penis can signify.
You're a poet Jon.



Feb 17, 2010 at 4:09:40 PM
removed-07-06-2016 (214)

< Bowser >
Posts: 5018 - Joined: 06/26/2008

^Thanks .

Oooh, although I would get a serious slap upside the head for it, it would be HILARIOUS to hit the "Page Moderators" button on my penis-post.  Then they'd all get an email with penis all over it.  Mwuahahahahaha!  Wicked thoughts are fun  !

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:10:53 PM
Fantomex (216)
(Chris Z) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2975 - Joined: 08/08/2008
Ladies! Ladies!!! come on now... enough is enough, think about what you are really arguing about here. Let it go. Lets not bicker and argue over who killed who, this is a happy occasion... oh.. wait sorry i got carried away.. anyway back on track. Thank you both for contributing to my question.


Feb 17, 2010 at 4:12:32 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: DreamTR

Hey, if people don't want to deal with me but don't at least try and see what I would offer, that's their own fault...

Also, nesguy has it right, those comments I made are not meant to be "brags", you just see them that way. Even the Pescatore comment...that is meant to show how significant the overall Sunsoft find was to give an idea in the thread of how significant it was. It was misinterpreted severely because I was not "bragging" about it at all.

It's great you show off your new finds, but that's "talking about yourself" when you find something new. My comments I make are what irk you, but I'm not trying to cut anyone down, things are just mininterpreted and I think that remark must be related to the Kitty's Catch lot find you had...

People ASK ME about the NWCs. Not once did I ever create a thread saying "HERE IS HOW I FOUND THE NWCs", it's not my fault people are interested in the NWC and that story is pretty infamous, but if you see me talking about it, it's because people asked me. I really don't see how THAT is bragging and making new threads with all your new finds is not...I don't like the attention on that stuff so I don't make new threads about everything I get.

I can't argue with anything you've said here, although I will have to respectfully disagree in some regards.  I see those post as bragging and you do not.  I openly admit to my find post as being of a bragging nature, so you've got me there.  I'm particularly proud of most of these finds and will continue to make similar post in the future.  It's a different form of bragging, but bragging none the less.

I just feel like your recent activity has had a lot to do with you being an important part of NES collecting history (which you certainly are).  I think it's been overkill lately to be honest, but you obviously don't agree.

I think it's safe to say that you and I drive each other nuts.  At least we can keep it reasonably civil.  I'm sorry if I've been riding you lately, it wasn't my intention.

You and I are an awful lot alike whether you'd like to admit it or not.  That's part of the reason why we're at each other's throats on more than one occasion. 

We can get this back on track without having the mods hold our hands.

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:22:07 PM
DreamTR (163)
(Jason Wilson) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4452 - Joined: 01/10/2007
Beagle: It's fine, I really am not bragging when I make any of those's just a message board so the typed text may come across as different to some people but I just don't like to talk about things as much from my finds at all...I like to chime in from time to time, and that's no secret, but again, meeting me in person things become a little bit more clearer, I've just always rubbed some people the wrong way because they think I mean something I actually don't...


Feb 17, 2010 at 4:28:42 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: DreamTR

Beagle: It's fine, I really am not bragging when I make any of those's just a message board so the typed text may come across as different to some people but I just don't like to talk about things as much from my finds at all...I like to chime in from time to time, and that's no secret, but again, meeting me in person things become a little bit more clearer, I've just always rubbed some people the wrong way because they think I mean something I actually don't...

I was actually just saying the same thing.  I swear man, if we were to meet in person (and I'm sure we will), I can't imagine that we wouldn't get along.  The internet is a weird thing in that regard.  In person I've never been accused of being abrasive, where here I've been told I'm impossible to like lol. 

I know this comes off as a major cop-out/ass kissing, but I really do respect you and everything you've done.  You're a huge part of why I collect what I collect.  I've been making a conscious effort to be more positive and civil on here, and I think I've done alright until now.  I slipped up, and I apologize.  Like I said, we get at each from time to time, but we can be civil and move on.  I'll shut my mouth and add to the conversation instead of my usual detraction.

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:35:36 PM
DreamTR (163)
(Jason Wilson) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4452 - Joined: 01/10/2007
I respect the fact you're bringing out some new stuff for collectors....that takes a lot of work and BALLS to bring out anything with packaging...and you definitely have a lot more passion than I do these days with NES protos...

The more new stuff that comes out = more stuff I can buy and add to my shelves...

Honestly, if you wanted to close the gap on NES protos just buy a bunch of my stuff or NES God's...I don't think either of us are doing anything with them these days...not sure if that thought ever crossed your mind but it might save you a lot of looking around for things and I know you can figure out what is different from these games easier than I could....


Edited: 02/17/2010 at 04:36 PM by DreamTR

Feb 17, 2010 at 4:46:34 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: DreamTR

I respect the fact you're bringing out some new stuff for collectors....that takes a lot of work and BALLS to bring out anything with packaging...and you definitely have a lot more passion than I do these days with NES protos...

The more new stuff that comes out = more stuff I can buy and add to my shelves...

Honestly, if you wanted to close the gap on NES protos just buy a bunch of my stuff or NES God's...I don't think either of us are doing anything with them these days...not sure if that thought ever crossed your mind but it might save you a lot of looking around for things and I know you can figure out what is different from these games easier than I could....

I was going to go after all of NESGod's stuff at one point, but I honestly just don't have the money.  I've been going full out on prototype collecting lately, and it's really expensive.  Mark just mentioned today that we should ask NESGod for some more stuff seeing as I just sold one of my arcade cabs, so I may very well contact him again down the road. 

I'm finally starting to acquire some doubles, so I hope to sell off some soon to provide more spending money for future purchases.  Trades would be great too, but the few proto collectors out there already own much of what I would be selling/trading.

Like I said in a thread regarding collecting goals for 2010, I plan on collecting 50 new prototypes this year or getting out all together.  As much as I love this stuff, I have to look at the bigger picture. 

I'm in the process of finalizing a deal right now, and I'm definitely going to need some of your expertise.

Thanks for being understanding and not being one to hold a grudge. 

Edited: 02/17/2010 at 04:47 PM by BeaglePuss

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:02:35 PM
DreamTR (163)
(Jason Wilson) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4452 - Joined: 01/10/2007
No worries, if you do come across stuff you don't want that you think I can use that would get some money in your hands, that would work too..

Collecting protos is one big mess..they don't go "up" in value unless someone else is after them. Without me, protos are cheaper, but without me, you also can't get a lot for them. Same can be said if "you" aren't collecting them and I try to sell them, they just won't be worth as much anymore if you aren't as interested either, but you do have to look at the bigger picture and that's why I stopped throwing my money and time at them because it just isn't worth it in the long run...the only reason I collect cart protos in general is because I respect the history behind them but I am really more of a librarian than anything else for the things...a lot of money is in them but I also lucked out and didn't have to pay as much for the majority of them, but it's seriously a TON of money to put down on things that just will not go up in value unless more people are interested in collecting them.

Look at everyone on the forum! We have one of a kind protos and hardly anyone is interested in owning the one copy. People are after variants and want 10 copies of Color Dream games but to be the only person with the ONLY NES game people don't care about as much. It's all Stadium Events' fault! LOL


Edited: 02/17/2010 at 05:03 PM by DreamTR

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:02:52 PM
qixmaster (129)
(Josh B) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11150 - Joined: 08/19/2006
SHUT UP! Jesus.

To both of you. let your cocks go flaccid

2nd EDIT: Back on topic, didn't read the last few posts.

eBay listings here

Edited: 02/17/2010 at 05:24 PM by qixmaster

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:04:28 PM
DreamTR (163)
(Jason Wilson) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4452 - Joined: 01/10/2007
Sorry, I guess it did get way off track, LOL


Feb 17, 2010 at 5:17:31 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: qixmaster

SHUT UP! Jesus.

To both of you. let your cocks go flaccid

I think we handled this pretty well this time around to be honest lol.

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:23:09 PM
qixmaster (129)
(Josh B) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11150 - Joined: 08/19/2006
^honestly, I stopped reading the posts because it was back and forth back and forth. moving on...

eBay listings here

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:24:07 PM
(x AARON x) < Bowser >
Posts: 6127 - Joined: 01/12/2008
Originally posted by: BeaglePuss

Originally posted by: qixmaster

SHUT UP! Jesus.

To both of you. let your cocks go flaccid

I think we handled this pretty well this time around to be honest lol.

It's cool that you guys worked this argument out, but just once I'd like you to think about the people who might have actually come in here to read about protos and NOT to listen to you ladies bitch at each other. Most people (myself included) don't care AT ALL that you guys occasionally don't like each other, so if you need to take pot shots back and forth, do it privately.

Currently Playing: L.A. Noire
Currently Listening: Tyler the Creator - Goblin
Currently Watching: Workaholics, 5 Deadly Venoms

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:24:09 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: DreamTR

No worries, if you do come across stuff you don't want that you think I can use that would get some money in your hands, that would work too..

Collecting protos is one big mess..they don't go "up" in value unless someone else is after them. Without me, protos are cheaper, but without me, you also can't get a lot for them. Same can be said if "you" aren't collecting them and I try to sell them, they just won't be worth as much anymore if you aren't as interested either, but you do have to look at the bigger picture and that's why I stopped throwing my money and time at them because it just isn't worth it in the long run...the only reason I collect cart protos in general is because I respect the history behind them but I am really more of a librarian than anything else for the things...a lot of money is in them but I also lucked out and didn't have to pay as much for the majority of them, but it's seriously a TON of money to put down on things that just will not go up in value unless more people are interested in collecting them.

Look at everyone on the forum! We have one of a kind protos and hardly anyone is interested in owning the one copy. People are after variants and want 10 copies of Color Dream games but to be the only person with the ONLY NES game people don't care about as much. It's all Stadium Events' fault! LOL

You summed up all of my fears in a few short paragraphs.

Here's another thing I thought about: The MRN effect.  Say someone like MRN gets into collecting prototypes.  The result would be interesting.  In one hand I'd finally have someone that would (theoretically) buy my prototypes at their deserving market value.  On the other hands, I don't have the funds or savvy to compete with them on an open market.  That's a the nature of the beast I suppose.  I pick MRN because he's relatively new to the scene, but he's amassed an awe-inspiring collection in such a short period of time.

Like you stated above, I can't believe that there are so few prototype collectors out there!  As rare as a boxed SE is, and as insanely rare as a NWC Gold is, they both pale in comparison to my Hunt for Red October prototype.  HA!  While someone would pay $100+ for a black CD game, few will drop $200 on a one of a kind prototype.  If the history isn't enough of an incentive, than the rarity should.  At least, one would think.

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:26:50 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5884 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: xARSEFACEx

Originally posted by: BeaglePuss

Originally posted by: qixmaster

SHUT UP! Jesus.

To both of you. let your cocks go flaccid

I think we handled this pretty well this time around to be honest lol.

It's cool that you guys worked this argument out, but just once I'd like you to think about the people who might have actually come in here to read about protos and NOT to listen to you ladies bitch at each other. Most people (myself included) don't care AT ALL that you guys occasionally don't like each other, so if you need to take pot shots back and forth, do it privately.

Yet we can have a thread dedicated to the berating of Caveman_Games?  We argued over the course of a page and a half, I think we'll live.  You referring to the two of us as women was as harsh as anything we said to each other to be honest.

It's a Nintendo message board with a little drama.  I don't think it's that big of a deal.

Feb 17, 2010 at 5:36:08 PM
i2a2n2 (39)
(Ian B.) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2321 - Joined: 11/01/2008

(too soon? )
either way please keep making finds posts everyone in regards to proto's I don't care who's ego I have to stroke I find it all really really interesting the ways the programmers/ developers heads were thinking in regards to differences etc.

and to add this is why I collect SNES proto's lol


My NWC High Score 661 950  Jan 19th 2010

---------Wanted: SNES PROTOTYPES !!! PM Me-----------