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Brandon Murphy (finder of CR proto) online memorial

Apr 17, 2007 at 3:16:50 PM
Redivivus (11)
< King Solomon >
Posts: 3698 - Joined: 03/28/2007
This post is in response to one found elsewhere on this forum (I cant remember which one) and it is a memorial to Brandon. For those who dont know, he was the one who discovered the CR proto that a lady was trying to trade in to get an Xbox. He told her exactly what it was, and she ended up giving it to him for his honesty. Rather than telling her it was junk, he actually was honest about it. He was that type of person, and his kindness ended up with his untimely death. The news is quite sobering, and in fact a part of his collection of games was entered into evidence at trial. (I do not know if the prototype was among evidence, but I believe it was sold prior to his death). Here is a link:


It is this type of event that got me into the field of law enforcement. If you have a moment, please visit the site and you can leave a note for his family. BTW, the suspect(s) were both found guilty last July and sentinced to life without parole.

Apr 17, 2007 at 3:26:41 PM
Redivivus (11)
< King Solomon >
Posts: 3698 - Joined: 03/28/2007
I dont mean to be so somber and downtrodden today (my posts are not usually that way!!) but if you read the Victim Impact Statements which are found in the Tributes and Condolences tab, it is just really sobering and makes you really put things into perspective. Now, on a lighter subject, anyone have one?

Apr 17, 2007 at 3:36:10 PM
udisi (88)
< King Solomon >
Posts: 3270 - Joined: 11/15/2006
United States
wow, I didn't know he was murdered. He was a very cool guy. Even when he got that proto he wasn't an ass, he seemed like a very nice person.

Apr 17, 2007 at 3:46:31 PM
Redivivus (11)
< King Solomon >
Posts: 3698 - Joined: 03/28/2007
Yes, and his kindness is what killed him. Without going into much detail (you can google for the trial) the two that killed him were roommates. His original roommate had to move out, and he let these two move in (one male, one female). They were not there long, they knew of his collection, so they decided to rob and kill him. The trial entered evidence that they had watched Natural Born Killers the night befoe, and decided to emulate a particular scene for the movie. Thats when they shot him, robbed his belongings (his debit card, his car as well as his NES collection) and set him and his apartment on fire.

There is an interview (after he discovered the proto) on one of the other NES sites (cant remember which) but yes he was a very humble person and he noted he would never sell it for profit. Im not sure how the code got out for all of those repros now, but im assuming he did eventually sell it or at least dumped the ROM.

Sorry for the nature of this post, but I think he does deserve some rememberance. It has been three years since his passing.

Apr 17, 2007 at 4:19:24 PM
udisi (88)
< King Solomon >
Posts: 3270 - Joined: 11/15/2006
United States
I believe he actually had the rom dumped...He didn't knw much about it when he found it, but he had it dumped. That's terrbile to hear. It's hard to believe what little things get people killed. Even if his stuff was worth 10k, that is in no way a life changing amount of money. why kill someone over something so insignificant as a nes collection. I read the memorium page. I can't believe that those people were so stupid as to viciously murder someone over something so trivial. Hell he probably would have given them more money not to kill him than they would have got from doing what they did.

Apr 17, 2007 at 7:05:55 PM
NationalGameDepot (279)
(Dr. NGD) < Bonk >
Posts: 15286 - Joined: 08/16/2006
I just don't understand why people would do such a thing, especially to a nice person. No amount of money is worth a life, nor is any amount of video games. RIP.

Proud replier of post #1000 in the infamous Joel thread

Apr 17, 2007 at 7:08:21 PM
jajaja (8)
(jajaja jajaja) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1306 - Joined: 10/09/2006
This is fucked up! Its crazy what drugs can do to people, make them go insane. When there are killing like this, there is almost always some drug abuse involved + many other factors of course. Same thing with the recent shooting in USA. So fucked up

Apr 17, 2007 at 9:30:18 PM
burnambill333 (0)
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(Nicholas Morgan) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3845 - Joined: 11/12/2006
New Jersey
Wow, I'm at a loss of words....I had no idea something this horrible happened to him....

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!

Apr 17, 2007 at 9:36:21 PM
Hounder (0)
(David Pendergast) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 543 - Joined: 08/22/2006
Very very sad I hate to hear that this happened to one of us collectors. Makes me so mad and angry at idiots who do retarded crap like this and feel no remorse.

R.I.P. Brandon. We will remember you.....

Hi, my name is David Pendergast, aka:

Jesse Jones
Philip Varney

I scammed people on NintendoAge a while back. Since then, I've been unwelcome. Do not do business with me!

Apr 18, 2007 at 1:10:30 AM
Dr. Morbis (30)
(Basil T) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2320 - Joined: 10/04/2006
I vividly remember his first posts on DP when he announced his finding (this game was a huge grail for me at the time, so seeing the pics he posted really made the jaw drop) and you couldn't run into a nicer guy. He could've gouged maybe 3-5k out of the community but he didn't. I also remember the aforementioned interview on warpzone or wherever and he was all class.

If you can hear me, thanks for the game Brandon; much appreciated.


My mantra, as worded by SamSpade on 06/12/12:
I don't resell to fund my collection, I don't treat this hobby like a second job, I don't care if my collection is worth ten bucks or ten thousand because I never plan on selling it. Seriously, what does the value have to do with anything if you never plan on selling? Speculation doesn't mean jack shit to me at this point, I just want to play my nes games...

Apr 18, 2007 at 6:37:31 AM
jajaja (8)
(jajaja jajaja) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1306 - Joined: 10/09/2006
I was right, check these pictures:

Looks like they're on heavy drugs. I wonder why he took in these complete strangers and let them live with him

Apr 18, 2007 at 6:50:10 AM
Battymo (100)
(Scrubb'n Nutz) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4478 - Joined: 10/03/2006
Nova Scotia
Originally posted by: jajaja

I was right, check these pictures:

Looks like they're on heavy drugs. I wonder why he took in these complete strangers and let them live with him

Yikes... looks like that skank has a little bit of herpes on the go...
