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Do you ever share your collection with people/strangers?

Sep 09 at 10:17:47 PM
VmprHntrD (0)
< El Ripper >
Posts: 1387 - Joined: 07/20/2017
United States
In general, no, but on rare occasion I may show something of it as a list or some pics if they're on my phone. The only time I don't have a choice is if I have to have some repair dude over and they have to enter the room the stuff is in and I'm not very comfortable about it so I keep my eyes open. Since this room has the internet setup installed within for the house and formerly the cable too and phone when I had those it was an unavoidable issue.

Sep 10 at 12:04:07 AM
Andy_Bogomil (100)
(Pete ) < Bowser >
Posts: 6013 - Joined: 11/15/2012
Some friends have seen my collection. Honestly most don't really seem to care or they just make a general comment like "woah that's a lot of games" and then move on. Other than a pic or two on here from time to time I don't share it with anyone I don't know.

Wii U Collection Status: 160/161. Just Dance 2018. 

Sep 10 at 7:26:13 AM
dra600n (300)
(Adym \m/) < Bonk >
Posts: 16989 - Joined: 09/16/2010
Nobody knows the extent of my collections or valuables, and I intend on keeping it that way  

I have a handful of games displayed, a few flash carts, and the rest are all tucked away where nobody will see them. It's not that I'm paranoid about someone stealing things, I just generally don't have things out on display like that.

Proud owner of post #1800 in Inner Circle HQ thread

Sep 10 at 4:08:46 PM
JaxsBox (102)
(( NFR )) < Bowser >
Posts: 5071 - Joined: 09/19/2011
United States
For the most part I don't tend to share my collection with people I know and sure as hell don't with strangers. Now I have on the other hand shown people I know bits of the collection but no one person has seen it all. It's hard to collect and have close friends online and not send them pictures from time to time. Don't ever see me having my entire collection up for people to just view at their own will online. The biggest issue over the years and why I stopped posting here as much with photos is the messages you receive asking to buy or for more info on items. That really got old quick as it became a weekly thing. There is one close friend I share more with then anyone else. He has over the years gained my trust and helped me on several occasions score items off ebay and forums. We both collect along the same lines so to pass items my way speaks highly to his character.

FS/FT/FO: Nintendo Handhelds, Demos/NFRs, Development Equipment, Prototypes, and more
Always looking to buy Nintendo Not For Resale titles, Promo items, Development/Test Equipment, and Nintendo Platform Prototypes.

Sep 10 at 4:29:14 PM
Skorp (39)
(Bryan ) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1572 - Joined: 10/13/2014
Pretty much never do. Only place I share is Nintendo Age and nowhere else really except sometimes a few things in Facebook groups dedicated to retro. I have a huge problem trusting anyone. Only my main family knows. I have to tell my twin nieces to never tell anyone about my collection. They don't know as much yet just that I have a lot of games lol. At the moment, I need to replace a window in my game room and haven't, because they do need to work from the inside and I am deathly afraid.

Help complete my N64 NFR With Minty Back Sticker set. Only need two more:
              Diddy Kong Racing and Super Smash Bros!
Want to Buy/Want to Trade For Thread|For Sale/Offer Thread


Sep 10 at 4:32:34 PM
MuNKeY (151)
< Master Higgins >
Posts: 8976 - Joined: 07/02/2011
Nerp, I mean I post up little things here and there but I've never shown off everything I have at once.



Sep 10 at 4:40:17 PM
koko (0)
< Little Mac >
Posts: 64 - Joined: 07/19/2016
It seems like many of these answers are the same, worried about the value or trusting people which of course makes sense. Being a collector is like an alter ego, normal professional human during the weekday and deal hunting hoarder after work and on weekends. I'm a high school teacher and it would be great when my students try to ask me about video games I could let on what my hobby is. I have to just pretend I dont have a clue about gaming. A student last year was like "do you like old games, what did you play when you were younger, do you own a (insert current console)" and I really wanted to reply "now that you mention it I do let me show you" and share some pics of the collection. It's always been a struggle for me because it seems silly to collect mass quantities of stuff just for one person to look at when many people would enjoy playing it or learning about it. I watch a lot of videos by John Hancock and eerily we're both teachers, and while my collection is no where near his size he seems to also share my mindset of wanting to share these old games with a broader group of people. His collection would make a pretty sweet museum, mine would just make an good afternoon. It's too bad collectors have to have secret identities and can't really be open with gaming.

Sep 10 at 9:19:54 PM
HammerDaddy (8)
< El Ripper >
Posts: 1327 - Joined: 02/05/2014
Just a couple pics on here. In real life no. I'm not hiding it or anything it just doesn't really come up. I tend to be pretty private. Also I don't really have the time or patience anymore to interact with others in that sort of context.

Sep 13 at 3:42:33 AM
Portabello (151)
< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 942 - Joined: 02/03/2014
New York
Just like with germs, I try and keep people away from my sickness  

Sep 14 at 2:28:46 PM
GPX (1)

< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 513 - Joined: 05/17/2017
Originally posted by: DoctorEncore

I'm a little surprised at how worried everyone is about being burgled. Maybe it's because of where I live, but that is way down on my list of concerns. And if that did happen, I'd probably just get the insurance money and start a new collection.
It’s not as simple as a direct money compensation for the games. It’s also the huge pain in the ass if you have to find the games all over again! Some of which we might ever find again at all!!


Sep 14 at 4:43:56 PM
quest4nes (147)
(jeff -) < Bonk >
Posts: 18760 - Joined: 02/21/2010
Originally posted by: koko

I love game history, playing games on original hardware with my kids and searching for games in the wild. I've amassed over the years a larger collection of about 3000+ games and 8 working game kiosks. I've gone through the time of setting it all up nicely to have it well organized by system with the kiosks dispersed throughout for people to play. I love going through the physical games, collecting them at garage sales and finding new stuff to play. I enjoy restoring the kiosks, setting them up as close to original, complete with demo consoles, as possible to give the same experience as they would have in the store.

Sometimes I feel people that dont have the motivation/knowledge to emulate or the desire to collect would still enjoy playing classic games but have never had the chance. When family come over many are blown away by games they never knew existed, on systems they never played nor would have in their normal daily life. I often feel like it would be fun to let kids in the neighborhood come by to play, giving the games more of a purpose than just sitting on a shelf for long periods of time until I'm ready. The fear of course is that more people would know valueable stuff is in my basement, and with strangers around things can get "lost" or broken. I enjoy watching people experience my collection because it gives people a gaming experience they wouldn't normally get.

I've been thinking about this for a while. Does anyone share their collection with a wider audience? Do you have local collectors nights, do you have family birthday parties or even strangers come by to play? I'm curious to see if anyone else has experienced this feeling that the games they have collected should be accessible to more people to give the games the purpose they were meant for.


When you said letting kids from the neighborhood come by and play games, no offense, but that sounds like a candy van situation lol.


NES  646 (331 Manuals 319 Boxes)
Wii U 158
SNES 311
N64  189
Original Gameboy 48


Edited: 09/14/2019 at 05:04 PM by quest4nes

Sep 14 at 6:16:53 PM
DaneNES (7)
< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 833 - Joined: 02/25/2016
North Carolina
Usually if someone is over that hasn't seen I show em. You can feel out who would give a shit or not, so selectively yes. Land lord had a termite evaluation a few years ago, and when he brought the dude ( our age) down to that room, he got to the shelf and just sorta stopped and was like"...........woaaaah....." then got back to work. Pretty funny when folks aren't expecting it. In fact usually no one is expecting it. I suppose people that know me generally don't pin me as the type. Or know there even is a type. And when most people hear collection they expect the usual 5 or whatever games they know.
In conclusion... yes, but sometimes I wonder the effect it has on what folks think of me, lol.


“Be quiet brain, or ill stab you with a Q-tip” ~Homer Simpson 

Sep 14 at 6:25:29 PM
yukfou (107)
(Great Dragon) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3134 - Joined: 03/06/2013
The only people I've lent games to are my friends. I would never lend a game to a stranger with the expectation of getting that game back. I have however given games away to strangers for free.

I would love one day to have my own game store where not only do I sell games, but I let people play whatever they want from my library (or games they bring in). It's be a cool area for gamers to hangout and game with each other. Food and drinks too.

My WTB thread

Sep 14 at 6:28:23 PM
Quaze (116)
(Jordan C.) < Bowser >
Posts: 5346 - Joined: 10/05/2015
British Columbia
Originally posted by: Maertens29

Not even a little bit. Outside of posting some photos here and there on the internet, I'd rather no one knows about the value sitting in my house.

This, every last word of this ^^


Sep 15 at 12:52:45 AM
The Questyen (9)
< Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 372 - Joined: 08/25/2015
The paranoia in this thread is quite hilarious.

Sep 15 at 1:10:31 AM
barrels (149)
< Bowser >
Posts: 7318 - Joined: 11/25/2011
Anyone that cares, lol.

Sep 15 at 4:17:54 AM
kamakaze_ekun (5)
< El Ripper >
Posts: 1104 - Joined: 07/21/2013
I've always been cautious as to who comes into my home let alone where my games are. I just recently moved into my own place and almost have everything but the flat screen mounted. Which means I have to allow another human being to enter, and I dont think im ready for it.

PC Engine with video cable, power supply and controller. Looking to spend $100 to have this console in my collection.

Sep 15 at 8:32:11 AM
85collector (49)
< Meka Chicken >
Posts: 888 - Joined: 07/25/2014
My parents were always a bit paranoid about having people in the house. My wife and I have a condo now and all my gaming stuff is packed away in my parents' house now. I'm likely going to sell off the more random bits and reduce my collection to just a corner or wall of a basement when we have a house, with everything displayed and all the consoles ready to play. I'd be happy to show folks around. Any really valuable stuff is either going to be hidden or I'll sell it off.

My FS thread:

Sep 17 at 1:03:44 PM
koko (0)
< Little Mac >
Posts: 64 - Joined: 07/19/2016
Originally posted by: quest4nes
Originally posted by: koko

I love game history, playing games on original hardware with my kids and searching for games in the wild. I've amassed over the years a larger collection of about 3000+ games and 8 working game kiosks. I've gone through the time of setting it all up nicely to have it well organized by system with the kiosks dispersed throughout for people to play. I love going through the physical games, collecting them at garage sales and finding new stuff to play. I enjoy restoring the kiosks, setting them up as close to original, complete with demo consoles, as possible to give the same experience as they would have in the store.

Sometimes I feel people that dont have the motivation/knowledge to emulate or the desire to collect would still enjoy playing classic games but have never had the chance. When family come over many are blown away by games they never knew existed, on systems they never played nor would have in their normal daily life. I often feel like it would be fun to let kids in the neighborhood come by to play, giving the games more of a purpose than just sitting on a shelf for long periods of time until I'm ready. The fear of course is that more people would know valueable stuff is in my basement, and with strangers around things can get "lost" or broken. I enjoy watching people experience my collection because it gives people a gaming experience they wouldn't normally get.

I've been thinking about this for a while. Does anyone share their collection with a wider audience? Do you have local collectors nights, do you have family birthday parties or even strangers come by to play? I'm curious to see if anyone else has experienced this feeling that the games they have collected should be accessible to more people to give the games the purpose they were meant for.


When you said letting kids from the neighborhood come by and play games, no offense, but that sounds like a candy van situation lol.

I HAD just meant the kids my kids are friends with or know in the area lol I guess it really it did sound like a 2019 version of candy from stranger (o.0) My kids do however disappear in the game room from time to time, I've already installed a bolted lock on the basement door for when they are too big to carry out of there so they make sure to balance life when they are a little older  

Sep 17 at 1:50:07 PM
bootload (8)

< El Ripper >
Posts: 1226 - Joined: 04/04/2016
I only show my friends that come over which is pretty rare, usually once a year. Whenever a repair guy has to go by the room, I pretend they're worthless movies and just keep him moving.
I considered posting some on Instagram but I find it hard to believe anyone would want to see a single boxed NES game on Instagram. Is that interesting?