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That Apebit is back at it again with the 16-bit (ish) album Penumbra

Oct 15 at 8:45:20 PM
LucioNintendo (23)
(Lucio Barbarino) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 509 - Joined: 04/19/2010
United States
Hey guys, Apebit has really done it again. This may be his best work to date. It thumps at times, can pull on the ol' heartstrings at times. It runs the gamut and takes you along for the journey. 

Please check it out, share it, buy it, let me know about any possible collaborations! I appreciate any of those things. Anything you can do is sincerely appreciated as I try to get my music out there.

Thank you fellow NA'ers.


Listen to my NES-style chiptune soundtrack Visions of the Three!!
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