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Great blog post about the cost of art and indie game budgets From Jeff Vogel - of Exile / Avernum / Geneforge fame

Aug 27 at 7:29:14 AM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35263 - Joined: 06/12/2007

Jeff as written some brutally honest and informative posts over the years about being an indie developer.

I recall some discussion on the forum a little while ago where some people were complaining about indie art styles and why developers didn't just use better art in their games.

The linked article provides a great explanation from a guy that has had indie game development as his primary source of income for 25 years.

Definitely worth a read, even if you already know the answer (art is expensive and sales expectations for indie games are low).

Also, for any of the homebrewers that don't know who Jeff is, read some of his back catalog of blog posts for what I think is an inspiring take on the game industry and what it means to be a very small developer making very niche games.
