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Myriad 6 in 1 complete in box

Apr 5, 2010 at 9:46:15 PM
the_wizard_666 (157)
(The Fat Ninja) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11676 - Joined: 10/12/2006
Originally posted by: nevets260

I saw a Cheetahmen 2 there before when I first started collecting and it was in a gray licsensed cartridge didn't buy it though super gay now that I think back I held it in my hand and was thinking I'm going to buy this but evetually put it back because it didn't have a price tag on it went back three days later ... GONE

It was either a fake or a repro cart, either way, it's not worth more than $20-30, so don't feel bad.  It's only worth anything if it's in an Action 52 case, as those are the legit ones


"It's always amazing to me how some of the most worthless games from a gaming perspective tend to fetch outrageous amounts of money. But then again, it could be said that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I'm curious if the high bidder of the $873.04 Stadium Events (cart-only) realizes that it's nowhere nearly as rare as about 20+ games I can think of that sell for 1/10th that amount?  At any rate, I wanted to draw attention to this trend: if people say it's rare, it must be true, and therefore it must be had at any price."
-Dain Anderson, October 14, 2006
Originally posted by: kryptk33p3r

im used to dick jokes i get to see one everytime I pee