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Retro conventions worth travelling out of state for

Aug 19, 2016 at 2:35:30 AM
Archon 1981 (20)
(Stephan Reese) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 848 - Joined: 06/10/2013
I've been to some great cons for various things over the years. But my wife and I hit some shows just because we happen to live near them. And some shows that we love enough to travel out of state or out of country for.

That got me thinking about retro cons. Being fairly new to the hobby (at least at the level I'm functioning in now), I don't know much about the convention scene.

So I guess I wanted to see what some of the favorites are... but more than that, what shows have you been to that you thought were so good that you'd hop on a plane for them?


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