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Rexorz Southern Adventures

Aug 15, 2013 at 12:55:13 PM
rexorz (45)
(Cody ) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 420 - Joined: 04/17/2013
Whats up everyone, finally getting back into actually going out hunting again over the last month or so here after not really messing with it for a while now.  Obtained a few hot things lately some were from various trades and some were in the wild.

Basically all of these except possibly the Duck Tales 2 are up for trade or possibly cash just depends on the offers, shoot me a PM if interested.

Sorry for the sexy feet in the picture took this when I was half awake the other night didn't really look at it closely on my phone haha.  Got the Duck Tales 2 in a good trade with a local friend who also collects,  got the Adventure Island 3 at a local flea market for a hot price, and found the Turok Rage Wars variant at a local game store for a steal.  I've posted the Rage Wars before I only posted it with this set because I've since cleaned it up more as when I originally found it, it looked very horrible.

Unfortunately on the Rage wars the back label had some damage thats pretty much unrepairable.  Gonna try to clean it a bit more later to atleast get some of the set in stains out of it but there are a few rips and tears as you can see.  It does however have the 07A stamp in it which I've been told makes it legit.


Edited: 08/15/2013 at 12:56 PM by rexorz