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Michigan Pinball Expo July 8-11 at Oakland University, anyone coming out to this?

Jun 19, 2010 at 9:21:51 PM
locala (8)
(andrew grieve) < Cherub >
Posts: 13 - Joined: 11/04/2007
As the title states, the Michigan Pinball Expo is coming to Rochester, MI inside Oakland University from July isn't everyday that anything Video Game related hits my area, let alone my college, so I'm definitely heading over to this...possibly for the entire week.

Would any NA'ers be interested in holding a meetup of sorts at the Expo?
While I'm more of a lurker type, I'd like to meet my fellow posters with a nice game of pinball or two...there's also a few bars off-campus but super close to the location, so an after-party with a brew or two wouldn't be out of the question either

Get at me if you're at all interested in this, it sounds like it'll be a pretty cool time. I'm not a great pinball player, but they're going to have The Getaway there, so I'm pretty geeked nonetheless.

*edit* oops, forgot the URL for this one...

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Edited: 06/19/2010 at 09:48 PM by locala