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"Illicit Gambling" skull shirt design - need help finding it

Jan 22, 2018 at 7:38:40 PM
cartman (16)
(The Boss) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3042 - Joined: 12/17/2010
It's a longshot but i'll give it a try. Sometime, somewhere online i stumbled upon this black shirt with an oldschool stylized skull wearing tophat and under it said Illicit Gambling and then something like "today X and tomorrow Y", or "yesterday X and today Y". I don't remember the exact phrasing but the message was basically about inevitable ruination and looking and cotemplating regretfully in retrospect. To be clear it was a rocker/rockabilly style to it and not tied to this or that political leaning/lobbyistic cause being all "preachy" and shit.