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"Castlevania" manual variations question

Feb 14 at 4:56:52 PM
DRW (0)
< Little Mac >
Posts: 63 - Joined: 04/14/2016
As far as I found out, there are three different versions of the "Castlevania" manual: One with a different Seal of Quality each:

Now my question: Do you know which box and game came with which manual?

There are basically three major versions regarding the game itself:
The five screw version with the golden-black round Seal of Quality that has ROM revision PRG0 on it.
The three screw version with the golden-black round Seal of Quality that has ROM revision PRG1 on it.
The three screw version with the golden-white oval Seal of Quality that has ROM revision PRG1 on it.

(Regarding this last one, either some of those or all of them have a specially-shaped Konami-branded board inside instead of the commonly-used Nintendo board.)

(I don't know how many sub versions there are, but those are the three that you can differentiate right away simply by looking at them. Except for the ROM revision and the board type of course.)

So, I'd like to know: Since there is one manual variant with a round seal and two with an oval seal, but there are two cartridge variants with a round seal and one with an oval seal, was there ever a situation where the cartridge and box had the round seal, but the manual had the oval one? Or do they always fit together, so that round always matches round and oval always matches oval?

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Edited: 02/14/2019 at 05:29 PM by DRW