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The Terror Anyone else watching this series?

Apr 15, 2018 at 6:30:17 AM
Natty Bumppo (1)
< El Ripper >
Posts: 1444 - Joined: 06/28/2014
Here is the trailer for it:

The series is based on a horror novel by Dan Simmons which in turn is loosely based on the real life Franklin Expedtion in 1845 that was seeking the Northwest Passage - which ended very disastrously.

It is a somewhat slow paced series but fascinating in the detail of the predicament of the two ships (The Terror* and the Erebrus) inextricably locked in the ice.  

*The title of the book and series is kind of a double entrendre - it refers to both the name of one of the ships and the monster stalking the ill fated crew.  

Not for all tastes (another pun on my part since in the end the remnants of the crews resorted to cannibalism) but if your mind runs to such things you might well like it.  


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 "Dirac Angestun Gesept"  wants you!!  

Edited: 04/15/2018 at 06:37 AM by Natty Bumppo