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List of SNES Prototypes

Jul 4, 2017 at 4:34:58 PM
snescentral (0)
(Evan Gowan) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 376 - Joined: 04/09/2008
Xerxes sent me a message to request starting up the prototype ownership thread, and I agreed to do one for SNES prototypes. For those who don't know, I run SNES Central, a website dedicated to documenting anything related to the SNES, including prototypes. On every game page, I am listing known prototypes of games, and I also have a list of dumped prototypes that differ from the final version. Note that these are not comprehensive lists (I haven't even finished with my own), and my offline archive actually has many hundreds of prototypes that are not yet documented. EPROMs are a temporary storage medium, so I highly recommend dumping your prototypes and getting them documented, even if you do not intend to make the dump publicly available.

There have been a recent threads that revealed a couple fake prototypes, so documenting them is a good way to ensure that fakes are revealed. I'd recommend posting pictures, and any other information, and I will put it up on SNES Central when I get the chance.

In my list, I have a short description of the prototype. If the prototype ended up being identical to the commercially released game, I note it as "final version". If you need help analyzing a prototype, let me know! I promise not to release anything without permission.

Note that this is not a sales thread. Please do not send unsolicited requests to buy things here. Especially me.

Ownership list:


Edited: 07/05/2017 at 07:50 AM by NintendoAge Moderator

Dec 4, 2017 at 12:20:41 AM
SnesCollect (0)
< Little Mac >
Posts: 66 - Joined: 10/05/2014
I have over 70 snes prototypes. A 50/50 mix of USA and PAL. I haven't had a chance to list them properly. I'm running through a list at the moment. I'll add it here, over the next day or so.

Would be interesting to see what others have? Any first party prototype owners here?

Back in the day I had a few, Super Metroid, Super Mario Allstars, etc. At the time first party prototypes weren't a priority for me.

I have a story to tell about 10 PAL Snes Prototypes, I got from a guy who was just selling off his random game collection. I kind out dont want to tell it. Because it seems far fetched. But it was a funny surprise at the time.

BUMP.. I love the snes, prototypes and the obscure!

Mar 5, 2018 at 12:22:38 AM
Myria (0)

< Cherub >
Posts: 14 - Joined: 05/23/2017
I lost this auction today:

I'm quite mad at people who get these for no purpose other than sitting them on a shelf, instead of dumping them and letting reverse engineers have at it. At least I made whoever won this pay $900 for the privilege of screwing over the community.

May 19, 2018 at 6:17:38 AM
SnesCollect (0)
< Little Mac >
Posts: 66 - Joined: 10/05/2014
Buy the look of it this guy was in the same boat as you Myria. I love prototype's more for the fact you'll find a hidden gems, hidden levels, graphics, parts that should never have seen the light of day.

In a 100 years time will it matter? I dont think so. But it's fun now.

I'm still waiting for the special day, someone releases the Super Mario Kart (snes) Rom. I always groan when I see people, say it should be released or even worse for free (they simply want something they can't have) it's down to the owner. They have it, its their choice.

I saw someone over at assembler many years ago campaign with 3 others about why a early version of a dreamcast game should be released after 6 months it happened. The owner was good enough to release it. I asked the guy that started the thread what did they think of the game and was it worth it.. there reply.. I haven't got around to it yet, but I will soon! 😐

That right there sealed it for me. If you have it do what you like with it. If you don't its non of your business. Leave well alone.

This is just my take on it, nothing to do with this thread or that auction.