NintendoAge -Sqooner Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-25T10:01:28 -05.00 nesruler22 137 Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-25T01:29:27 -05.00 nesruler22 137

Guess I should've endured and kept going, oh well, glad this one's done. ]]>
Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-25T00:50:33 -05.00 nesruler22 137

I decided to keep playing this one cuz' i've never really played past about lvl 4-something...
I actually made it to lvl 5 on one life, so another one bites the dust
Cool little game...the original is my fave... ]]>
Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-24T22:47:27 -05.00 nesruler22 137 Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Originally posted by: guillavoie

Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Damn. Got tied down in house projects until it was too late to post another entry

Oh well.

You had a big score to post Arch?

It was higher than what I posted, but wouldn't have mattered.

I think if I'd had time to play some today i would have ranked, but oh well, there's always next time.
Instead, I'm keeping my wife happy going through the hellish labor of installing hanging pot racks in the kitchen.

It doesn't sound like it should be bad...but my house was built in 1922, so everything is plaster and adds quite a few layers of complication (and a shitload of dust) to any job.

Nothing should stop a good husband to make his wife happy!
Nes contests are a close one, though! But there's plenty of them to come. I hope there will be a few contests evolving brain games, I know you can kick serious ass in puzzle games.

Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-24T22:38:07 -05.00 nesruler22 137 Originally posted by: guillavoie

Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Damn. Got tied down in house projects until it was too late to post another entry

Oh well.

You had a big score to post Arch?

It was higher than what I posted, but wouldn't have mattered.

I think if I'd had time to play some today i would have ranked, but oh well, there's always next time.
Instead, I'm keeping my wife happy going through the hellish labor of installing hanging pot racks in the kitchen.

It doesn't sound like it should be bad...but my house was built in 1922, so everything is plaster and adds quite a few layers of complication (and a shitload of dust) to any job.
Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-24T22:22:09 -05.00 nesruler22 137 Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-24T22:18:44 -05.00 nesruler22 137 I had no idea Herb made a huge Ass score, cause I did not browse the entire thread everytime I wanted to see new scores.
Maybe Mr. Minimog thought he was leader until the end???

Nice score Herb, you must had a great time killing those monsters during the 4th boss battle.
It was actually the only spot I found so far where racking points was unlimited.
Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-24T22:11:38 -05.00 nesruler22 137 RESULTZ:

Herbalist 219,700 "+10"
MrMiniMog 201,400 "+8"
Guillavoie 135,400 "+6"
superNESman 93,800 "+4"
scaryice 90,350 "+2"
the tall guy 89,600 "+1"
Miss Clawful 76,750 "+1"
Marton 75,400 "+1"
Nesophile 73,850 "+1"
arch 8ngle 61,750 "+1"
jdheins 43,450 "+1"
cradelit 43,300 "+1"
ihavethatpma 42,050 "+1"
OSG 39,300 "+1"
carnold1103 32,750 "+1"
RASK1904 26,500 "+1"
Pserge 22,650 "+1"
vader99 20,650 "+1"
Lincoln 20,550 "+1"
Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-24T22:11:09 -05.00 nesruler22 137 Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Damn. Got tied down in house projects until it was too late to post another entry

Oh well.

You had a big score to post Arch?
Nesrulers Contest Presents: Adventure Island 3 2010-01-24T22:10:37 -05.00 nesruler22 137 Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Originally posted by: Herbalist

Originally posted by: Marton

For anyone who care , NA Quebec City crew is me, guillavoie and his twin brother.

Is everyone  ok with having a team like this? To me it seems like an unfair advantage to have 3 people joining forces to be one entity. The 3 different people could play the game seperately on 3 tv's and just use whoever got the best score. I need to find out of this is ok because I cant really tally scores otherwise.

This is what the "NES Monarchy" did last time (Nes King and Nes queen).

I don't have a problem with it, as long as they only occupy one entry for the entire "season".   Basically, the three of them have to "split" whatever winnings, so it's no real advantage.

Me too I thought about Nes King and Nes Queen last year entries.

Whatever I don't want to make any team with Marton, cause he sucks so much at Nes!
And just to make it clearer, my twin Bro NEVER made any score under my name, I'm a lone ranger when it comes to Nes scores.
