NintendoAge -Sqooner NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-05T13:27:02 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73 Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Guillavoie -- wish it had occurred to me to get thefox's mappers. Can you PM a link to me so i can get the latest set so I don't run into this again?
(same thing happened to me last week with Jackal, since I hadn't updated my RetroZone mappers in FOREVER)
I am not sure if these mappers are the best for general compatibility, but they fix the glitches issue with Karnov and Cybernoid. The main utility of them is the option to add a save state while playing, but I also like that you can disable the feature (there's a menu when you start the game). Then, you can use it for practicing or other purpose and disable it when you perform your score to avoid any bad luck loading a state while playing.

NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-05T13:22:40 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73 Originally posted by: pats1717

1700 So I didn't realize until today I was lacking this game on my power pak. I was looking over today's purchase from the flea market and checked the 2 nes consoles I bought for games. What are the odds that Karnov was in one of the consoles. Must be karma repaying me for the oil thing last week

What a coincidence, haha!
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-05T09:03:05 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73
It is a shame we didn't get to see what mattyjmania was capable of in terms of point exploitation since he beat it so early in the week.

Guillavoie -- wish it had occurred to me to get thefox's mappers. Can you PM a link to me so i can get the latest set so I don't run into this again?
(same thing happened to me last week with Jackal, since I hadn't updated my RetroZone mappers in FOREVER) ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-05T09:01:00 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73
1) (+11) gutsman004 - 543,050
2) (+10) guillavoie - 438,220
3) (+9) BalloonKid - 407,250
4) (+8) BilltownSparty - 399,570
5) (+7) arnpoly - 387,330
6) (+6) arch_8ngel - 208,160
7) (+5) mattyjmania - 137,970
8) (+4) flash - 46,670
9) (+3) Caleb47 - 34,120
10)(+2) BriGuy82 - 20,010
jump_man95 - 13,530
EgasKrad - 8,730
Velinos - 6,390
DennisFleaman - 5,770
pats1717 - 1,700 ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-04T22:57:19 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73 13530

NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-04T22:29:36 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73
It's just a participation point, but I apologize for the blurry screen. I had difficulties getting a picture off before the screen changed and this was the best setting I had. I blame my "old man" reflexes

NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-04T22:22:37 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73  photo 46305E5D-F05F-44E7-BF61-1E3616375142.jpg ]]> NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-04T22:18:51 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73 438,220

I almost failed to achieve a score cause I wasn't able to play karnov on the powerpak first (harder to grind effectively on a DS), and finally found out that I could fix the issue with thefox's mapper (thanks buddy!). I only understood on my last two lives how to maximize the grind on the swordmen, which helped me to boost my score by 20k for sure. ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-04T19:12:03 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73 Originally posted by: gutsman004

^Lol,I just leave it on there. It adds character.

Definitley, and alot of times I do. You know, I kinda actually feel a tiny bit quilty when I'm removing someones name from a cart.... but this one came out looking mint when I was done. So sorry Garner if your out there, but part of your soul is mine now! ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Karnov 2014-05-04T18:55:21 -05.00 bimmy_lee 73