NintendoAge -Sqooner Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-10T03:22:13 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker

Every pre-NES console used 2-3. Thank you. I thought that sounded a bit familiar. But I wasn't sure, since my VCS is on ch3 with no other option, and I don't have any other pre-NES stuff.
Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-09T20:15:26 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: gunpei
Originally posted by: AirVillain

Not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but it made me laugh. 

Classic. " it on channel three or four? 3? Try 4!"
Not. OP said she tried channels 2 and 3. Most RF consoles give you the choice of 3 or 4. My Atari 2600 doesn’t have a switch for that, but I don’t know of any US consoles that output on 2’s frequency. 

Every pre-NES console used 2-3.
Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-09T20:02:43 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26
Anyways so I know it's not the Atari...which is good lol. I tried putting both prong things on VHF...nothing. Same "snow" and now a buzzing sound. So going to assume that the prong thing is dead?

Any recommendations on getting a switch box prong thing? I'm assuming eBay's my best bet right? ]]>
Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-07T00:29:02 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-07T00:02:19 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: Astor Reinhardt

Yeah there's two prongs, I screwed one into UHF and one into VHF. That's the correct way right? I set it to channel 3 both on the 2600 and on the TV.
!     That's it. Well maybe it's not the only it, but that is wrong. You want both prongs on VHF.

Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-06T23:16:46 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: Astor Reinhardt
Yeah there's two prongs, I screwed one into UHF and one into VHF. That's the correct way right? I set it to channel 3 both on the 2600 and on the TV. So you're talking about the Magnavox dongle, right. What then do you have it connected to?

Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-06T23:16:02 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: gunpei

Originally posted by: AirVillain

Not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but it made me laugh. 

Classic. " it on channel three or four? 3? Try 4!"
Not. OP said she tried channels 2 and 3. Most RF consoles give you the choice of 3 or 4. My Atari 2600 doesn’t have a switch for that, but I don’t know of any US consoles that output on 2’s frequency. My 2600 has a switch for channel 2-3 right on it. Which is why I said I tried 2 and 3. TBH I tried EVERY channel...but none of them showed anything.

Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-06T23:12:11 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: SNESNESCUBE64
Originally posted by: Astor Reinhardt

I'll test the 2600 later on another TV but I'm 85% sure it's working. The TV doesn't get burning to the touch hot but it's somewhat noticeable...

Did not know that about the dial, so thanks for that...neat.

And the TV is so literally only has the input screws.

As for a switch...nope. That Magnavox one is the only one I have. Could it be dead?

are you sure you are screwing the box in the correct place? On an old tv I had, it had two sets of screws, one for uhf, and one for vhf. I've always had bad luck with those switch boxes, so I'd argue that it could be the box. On top of that, make sure you are actually setting it to channel 3 or whatever you have it set to. In terms of heat, I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you start smelling the magic smoke. Yeah there's two prongs, I screwed one into UHF and one into VHF. That's the correct way right? I set it to channel 3 both on the 2600 and on the TV. ]]>
Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-06T13:18:57 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: AirVillain

Not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but it made me laugh. 

Classic. " it on channel three or four? 3? Try 4!"
  Not. OP said she tried channels 2 and 3. Most RF consoles give you the choice of 3 or 4. My Atari 2600 doesn’t have a switch for that, but I don’t know of any US consoles that output on 2’s frequency. 

Bought an old TV to use for my Atari 2600 2019-08-06T11:56:48 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 26 Originally posted by: gunpei

Try channel 4.

Are you sure the Atari actually powers on? What you describe is exactly what happens if I switch on my Nintendo and forget to plug it in.

The 14-83 dial is just that, it's for channels in those numbers. (UHF, yes like the movie) To use it you would have to turn the VHF (2-13) channel dial to U.

How hot does the TV get?
Not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but it made me laugh. 

Classic. " it on channel three or four? 3? Try 4!"