NintendoAge -Sqooner Sharp NES controller only 2019-08-03T00:20:44 -05.00 the tall guy 6
several have sold for more than 50. Id say more like 75-80 on average. Check out these sold listings.

50 I think would be a pretty instant sale these days ]]>
Sharp NES controller only 2019-08-01T10:52:42 -05.00 the tall guy 6 Originally posted by: the tall guy
Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker


That's kinda in line with what I had figured.  The store wanted $100 for it, which seemed pretty high, but then again, that's the first one I think I've ever seen.
Scott had one a couple years ago that sat at $50, and I believe he sold it for a little less than that even.

But if you're desperate to match one up with a TV to sell, $100 doesn't seem outlandish.

Sharp NES controller only 2019-08-01T10:51:16 -05.00 the tall guy 6 Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker

That's kinda in line with what I had figured.  The store wanted $100 for it, which seemed pretty high, but then again, that's the first one I think I've ever seen.
Sharp NES controller only 2019-08-01T10:21:14 -05.00 the tall guy 6 Sharp NES controller only 2019-08-01T10:21:10 -05.00 the tall guy 6 Sharp NES controller only 2019-08-01T09:12:18 -05.00 the tall guy 6