NintendoAge -Sqooner Final Fantasy III Prototype 2009-11-09T10:48:10 -05.00 snescentral 3 Originally posted by: i2a2n2

nice article thanks for the write up , not sure if the last sentence in the second last paragraph is ment as a pun or not though lol

No, That is just me doing a poor job of proofreading. Thanks for pointing it out, it is rather embarrassing to be making a comment on translation quality and making such a blatant grammar error. ]]>
Final Fantasy III Prototype 2009-11-09T09:33:34 -05.00 snescentral 3 , not sure if the last sentence in the second last paragraph is ment as a pun or not though lol ]]> Final Fantasy III Prototype 2009-11-09T02:48:16 -05.00 snescentral 3 ]]>