NintendoAge -Sqooner [Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-30T20:36:07 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19
It looks like the Tower Defense project is going to meet it's KS goal, that's cool too, finally a Tower Defense on NES.
Personally, i like when homebrew brings up games genre that appeared after the commercial life of the console. ]]>
[Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-29T21:36:13 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19
The game plays like you think it plays so I wont go on with it, you saw the video and this is it. The ship moves like in Asteroid and always found it as a part of the learning curve. The "warp" Action is an excellent addition and it makes a big difference for more general enjoyment. Question of ambiant, there's almost no music so its mostly all bleep and beep and it's fine like that. In general I dont have nothing negative to say, but I have to admit that it feels rought on the edges for the following:

- When you press start on the title screen, there's a mili-second glitch screen that appears before the first stage start. This glitch screen with make some appearances everytime you game over.

- There's no stage counting. It sounds like a detail, but I consider that in this kind of game the numbering is important because in gave a sense of progression and that's all there is after all.

- Many times I completed a stage and there was still meteors floating around. It felt wrong because on top of that, the following stage come too fast and it feels like the game reboots and you play the same stage over again even thought we do feel that the action gets more intense.

- Previously I said good thing about the warp's mechanic that you can do at will. But again, it feels untweeked because sometimes you warp yourself off screen and half of these times you get killed. Also, when you come out of this warp, sometimes you are invicible for a couple of seconds and other times, you're not. Maybe there's a logic that I just doesn't grasp.

Maybe I could develop a bit more, but all this arguments are enough for me to definite the game rough on the edges. Stupidly enough, that the lack of stages numering and the "reboots" feels between the stages that bother me the most even if it doesn't affect the gameplay like the warp inconsistency which I could see as a " game's flaws of the NES era". the I would not say unfinished, but all these details prevent me to say that's is more of the Peebble side than the Brilliant side. Still, it's s nice effort and I only hope that his Tower Defense 1990 will be more refined, but I would like to buy it.

On then I would gave a 5 or 6. But hey it's a kind of better Asteroid on the NES so you cannot go wrong ! ...Just bored ! Hehehe EDIT: I played some more games last night. The glitchy screen appears between level too. At every beginning of the level: "next level" is shown. It could be seen like another way to see it, but numbers are much appreciated. And the problematic of the warp that send you to your doom is very apparent. There's "1-up" floating around, get'em because you will need them. However, I decided to edit because I found my total note of 5 or 6 was a bit harsh because it's probably the best Asteroid clone that I know of and it's lightyear above "Meteor Swamp". In all regards, for what it is, It deserve a solid 7 or a sloppy 8. ]]>
[Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-29T03:21:57 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19 [Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-28T20:49:30 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19 [Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-21T15:02:37 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19 Originally posted by: zi

^ rent-a-mod!    

[Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-21T15:00:54 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19   ]]> [Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-21T14:48:50 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19
The developer started his own thread, so it probably makes sense to move the Tower Defense 1990 discussion over there. ]]>
[Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-21T12:13:19 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19 Originally posted by: Mega Mario Man
Originally posted by: zi

there's vid on the KS now, but don't listen to the music  

You have your grubby mits on everything.  
I wanted to be the John Williams of NES homebrews but I feel like Nick Cage right now.
[Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-21T12:02:28 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19 Originally posted by: zi

there's vid on the KS now, but don't listen to the music  
You have your grubby mits on everything.  
[Homebrew] Brilliant Pebbles 2017-11-21T11:59:49 -05.00 Ferris Bueller 19   ]]>