NintendoAge -Sqooner [Repro] Akira 2016-09-23T11:31:12 -05.00 Proveaux 43 Originally posted by: DamienC666

I actually reproed a Famicom Akira. It was a little difficult but after tracing all the pins I got it working eventually. Awesome! I'd love to do this with my cart.   Could you do a write up with pics? ]]>
[Repro] Akira 2016-09-23T09:55:51 -05.00 Proveaux 43 ]]>
[Repro] Akira 2016-09-14T10:14:26 -05.00 Proveaux 43 Originally posted by: MottZilla

Finally got around to putting up Almana. I meant to post it about a year ago but forgot. I was reminded of it recently so there it is. It can be found on my site.

Awesome!  Thanks for the upload!  I monitor your site pretty often in hopes for the Metal Force mapper hack to get uploaded someday.  Props on all of your work! ]]>
[Repro] Akira 2016-09-13T19:09:37 -05.00 Proveaux 43 [Repro] Akira 2016-09-05T16:58:24 -05.00 Proveaux 43   ]]> [Repro] Akira 2016-09-05T16:05:51 -05.00 Proveaux 43 Akira 2015-07-23T13:44:16 -05.00 Proveaux 43 Originally posted by: aupton

as if the CHR isn't booting
The PPU can't "boot" anything, the NES doesn't work like that. The CPU is in charge and it needs PRG ROM data (and PRG RAM sometimes) in order for the NES as a whole to do anything. The PPU works passively along side the CPU, loading whatever it can find off the cartridge whether it's correct or not. When an NES game crashes, it's the CPU that crashes. The PPU can't crash, the worst that can happen is it loads wrong data, which it doesn't care about. ]]>
[Repro] Akira 2015-07-23T13:08:05 -05.00 Proveaux 43 [Repro] Akira 2015-07-23T12:38:55 -05.00 Proveaux 43 Originally posted by: Lincoln

The Akira patch almost certainly requires wram to operate, so TS or TK boards. If the ram requirements aren't specified in the header by the standard battery flag or the de facto ram units value then famirom has no way to ascertain if TLROM is suitable or not. Would wram be a new requirment of the patch? The original Famicom board doesn't appear to use it:

[Repro] Akira 2015-07-23T12:27:52 -05.00 Proveaux 43