NintendoAge -Sqooner american dollar 2008-10-11T00:50:50 -05.00 wrldstrman 63
I got a 1938 nickel, First year jefferson nickel....For FREE. It was taken out of the proof box.... It;s worth about $3, but in the proof case $138! ]]>
american dollar 2008-10-10T23:35:25 -05.00 wrldstrman 63 Originally posted by: !damage! canadian change worth anything when it's older?, i've seen a lot of variations on the coins, some weird looking guy, queen elizabeth, a beaver, an elk, deer or something with antlers

Depending on what it is...  Their coins were partially silver up until about 1965 or '67 (can't remember which).  I have an old Canadian dime (Queen Victoria, if that's any indicator) that used to show up at about $140-$170 in the price guides about 7 years ago (I bought it at a collectible was in their 50-cent box o_O ).  Also, there are certain variations on the 1947 Canadian nickel that are worth a few bucks.
american dollar 2008-10-10T09:58:19 -05.00 wrldstrman 63 ]]> american dollar 2008-10-10T09:55:14 -05.00 wrldstrman 63 ~~NGD ]]> american dollar 2008-10-10T09:55:09 -05.00 wrldstrman 63
And the DOW is under 9K..... ]]>
american dollar 2008-10-09T22:48:44 -05.00 wrldstrman 63 I got this for a US dollar:

134 canadian pennies, 6 canadian nickels and 3 canadian quarters

0 canadian change worth anything when it's older?, i've seen a lot of variations on the coins, some weird looking guy, queen elizabeth, a beaver, an elk, deer or something with antlers

american dollar 2008-10-09T20:20:28 -05.00 wrldstrman 63

And if I fail....I get lots of fingers pointed at me ]]>
american dollar 2008-10-09T11:48:16 -05.00 wrldstrman 63 Originally posted by: Buk Fitty

Sorry 'bout that

OMG he fixed it...

I about fell out of my chair ]]>
american dollar 2008-10-09T10:04:48 -05.00 wrldstrman 63 ]]> american dollar 2008-10-09T01:57:05 -05.00 wrldstrman 63 Originally posted by: projectingstars

Originally posted by: Dr. Morbis

^ What the hell... I don't agree with what you're saying, but it was coherent and had no grammatical or spelling errors at all. Please tell me this was a copy/paste job from somewhere else...

Nah, he's still got that fucked up apostrophe, so it couldn't simply be a cut and paste job.

yea, come on now, no one else is That dumb... to be told over a dozen times to stop using the prime and use the apostrophe and still use the prime, time and time again...
