NintendoAge -Sqooner [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-27T13:14:14 -05.00 toma 87 [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-27T08:22:13 -05.00 toma 87
I've been making some good progress on the sequel over the past couple of weeks. I'll be using a mapper instead of NROM so I have a lot more room for varied graphics and new gameplay elements. I've already added in ladders, springboards, and hidden doors. I'm hoping to improve on the boss battles too as I felt they were a bit lacking in the first game. Also thinking about getting rid of lives in favor of a death counter and speeding up the transition between levels, maybe treating a block of levels as rooms within a larger stage. It's all pretty early so far, so who knows what I'll come up with. ]]>
[Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-26T22:31:51 -05.00 toma 87 [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-26T13:12:05 -05.00 toma 87 [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-26T12:18:20 -05.00 toma 87 [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-26T12:10:46 -05.00 toma 87 [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-05T10:24:19 -05.00 toma 87
Look forward seeing what else you will do in near future for the nes. ]]>
[Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-10-05T10:19:14 -05.00 toma 87 [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-09-27T18:09:33 -05.00 toma 87 [Homebrew] Eskimo Bob for NES: Now In Stock! 2017-09-27T09:31:50 -05.00 toma 87
My box got dinged up a bit in the mail. Pretty sure my package was not cardstock reinforced. I'm not bothered by it at all, just sharing my experience.

I hope I have time to get into the game this weekend. The demo was really fun! ]]>