NintendoAge -Sqooner Collection Regrets 2006-11-19T17:43:07 -05.00 Battymo 9 The clerk I bought it from was some chick probably the mgr's g/f and gave me their Nintendo price, when I returned it the guy looked at me like I was an idiot and like 4 months later when I finally realized I was pissed ]]> Collection Regrets 2006-11-19T14:37:31 -05.00 Battymo 9 ]]> Collection Regrets 2006-11-16T06:40:14 -05.00 Battymo 9
I also regret not buying a grey NWC for $1,200, a Gold NWC for $1,800 and several SE's for around $200 that I passed up many years ago. Ouch, those really hurt

-Dain ]]>
Collection Regrets 2006-11-16T06:28:40 -05.00 Battymo 9
I remember saying to myself, "I'll never spend $50+ on one game". What an iddiot I was ]]>
Collection Regrets 2006-11-16T00:16:54 -05.00 Battymo 9 Originally posted by: the_wizard_666

Actually, weren't NES games like $60-80 new back in the day? I pity the fool that bought Taboo new

Taboo and countless sports titles would show up in the bargain bin for $10, sometimes as low as $5 after they'd been sitting for a month and picked over. Other over-produced bargain bin titles include Bayou Billy, Silent Service, you can imagine dozens of others. Those are just the ones I personally remember.

That said, yes I'm sure somebody spent $60 on their copy of Taboo And somebody's going to pay $2,000 for a PS3 and all that. Things are just more expensive when they first come out and there's a different flavor for everyone. me, I paid $1 for my Taboo 15 years after its release. And I still think I got ripped. Although I can say, I beat it first try! ]]>
Collection Regrets 2006-11-15T23:24:29 -05.00 Battymo 9 ]]> Collection Regrets 2006-11-15T23:18:21 -05.00 Battymo 9 Collection Regrets 2006-11-15T22:27:22 -05.00 Battymo 9 Collection Regrets 2006-11-15T16:44:57 -05.00 Battymo 9
I regret buying a few single carts off eBay when I was a noob. I wish someone would have slapped me in the face for being a retard... ]]>