NintendoAge -Sqooner The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2019-04-02T10:27:04 -05.00 acidjaguar 57
I haven't seen this package before, but I think I have something related to the Takara Masters club. Give me a little time and I'll see what I dig up.

Great items nonetheless. They look to be untouched as well! Thanks for sharing ]]>
The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2019-04-02T10:17:00 -05.00 acidjaguar 57 The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2019-04-02T09:44:04 -05.00 acidjaguar 57 Takara Master Game Club with SNK Billy Kane figure. Anyone ever seen this before?  

The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2018-03-19T21:25:41 -05.00 acidjaguar 57

The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2018-03-19T20:31:27 -05.00 acidjaguar 57
Beautiful stuff.  ]]>
The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2018-03-19T20:19:57 -05.00 acidjaguar 57 EA mailer
Dragon Warrior IV Hint Guide Order Form Mailer
Taito Catch the Wave mailer poster (notice no part #)

The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2018-03-19T20:14:00 -05.00 acidjaguar 57
Also Culture Brain No 7 Included a Promational magazine that highlight the games in the newsletter. The seller did not include the orignal envolope but it sending it. I will take new photos once it arrives

The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2017-11-05T01:18:08 -05.00 acidjaguar 57 Originally posted by: argyle2000

I just realized the story may be one of those stories that's funny to me but not necessarily to anyone else! 

Anyway, sometime in I think 1991 Vic Tokai hired a bunch of kids at their Southern California office to brainstorm a new game. So there were a bunch of teenagers there for a few weeks maybe, it must have been summer, sitting around in a conference room thinking of game ideas. Street Fighter II was huge in the arcades then, and we had these really lofty ideas--our idea was to make sort of like a role playing game like Zelda or Dragon Quest or Phantasy Star or whatever was popular then, but when you ran into enemies, it would switch to a side-view fighting game like Street Fighter II. But, we were really, really set on making it like as violent and brutal as possible--like, you could rip your opponents' heads off, or impale them on a big spike, or whatever. We thought that was going to be a very important and fun part of the fighting action, to make it really violent, we thought that would add a lot to the cool parts already in Street Fighter II. We came up with lots of crazy ideas for that game. We came up with a plot and characters, etc.

Anyways, at some point our time brainstorming a game for Vic Tokai ended (maybe summer ended)? and we never really heard anything about it again. Late the next year of course in 1992 Mortal Kombat came out and was a big hit and I remember thinking, "Wow, that's exactly what we were thinking of when we were designing our game, like Street Fighter II but with outrageously violent parts added in!" So it was funny to me in that we kind of predicted what would become Mortal Kombat a year earlier and thinking if Vic Tokai had done anything with the idea they could have beat Mortal Kombat to it and had a hit  

With their games' trademark quirkiness, I would have loved to see a Vic Tokai-developed Mortal Kombat game... ]]>
The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2017-11-04T10:42:28 -05.00 acidjaguar 57 The Age of Snail Mail and the Newsletter 2017-11-03T14:09:33 -05.00 acidjaguar 57
Anyway, sometime in I think 1991 Vic Tokai hired a bunch of kids at their Southern California office to brainstorm a new game. So there were a bunch of teenagers there for a few weeks maybe, it must have been summer, sitting around in a conference room thinking of game ideas. Street Fighter II was huge in the arcades then, and we had these really lofty ideas--our idea was to make sort of like a role playing game like Zelda or Dragon Quest or Phantasy Star or whatever was popular then, but when you ran into enemies, it would switch to a side-view fighting game like Street Fighter II. But, we were really, really set on making it like as violent and brutal as possible--like, you could rip your opponents' heads off, or impale them on a big spike, or whatever. We thought that was going to be a very important and fun part of the fighting action, to make it really violent, we thought that would add a lot to the cool parts already in Street Fighter II. We came up with lots of crazy ideas for that game. We came up with a plot and characters, etc.

Anyways, at some point our time brainstorming a game for Vic Tokai ended (maybe summer ended)? and we never really heard anything about it again. Late the next year of course in 1992 Mortal Kombat came out and was a big hit and I remember thinking, "Wow, that's exactly what we were thinking of when we were designing our game, like Street Fighter II but with outrageously violent parts added in!" So it was funny to me in that we kind of predicted what would become Mortal Kombat a year earlier and thinking if Vic Tokai had done anything with the idea they could have beat Mortal Kombat to it and had a hit   ]]>