NintendoAge -Sqooner Brock's finds 2019-10-12T16:15:20 -05.00 Brock Landers 137 Originally posted by: acidjaguar

Nice to see stuff popping up around here. Congrats dood! If you have tried to text me about anything in the last million years, I'm on my approximately 40th phone of the year, so  I didn't get it ><
Brock's finds 2019-10-10T13:01:26 -05.00 Brock Landers 137 Brock's finds 2019-10-09T18:58:02 -05.00 Brock Landers 137 Brock's finds 2019-10-09T18:31:29 -05.00 Brock Landers 137
Brock's finds 2018-07-14T15:03:00 -05.00 Brock Landers 137
I haven't beaten any of those damn SNES games, so maybe now I can turn things around.

And then I hit up a thrift store for the books

Brock's finds 2018-07-09T00:31:51 -05.00 Brock Landers 137
$25 total

Brock's finds 2018-05-13T17:08:45 -05.00 Brock Landers 137
...and these for $2 total

Brock's finds 2018-03-31T01:07:27 -05.00 Brock Landers 137 Brock's finds 2018-03-30T23:04:29 -05.00 Brock Landers 137 Brock's finds 2018-03-30T20:42:54 -05.00 Brock Landers 137
Well I eventually walk over and some guy has just pulled a stack of NES games out of the display case.  Literally the 2nd time I've ever seen NES carts in the wild in this town.  I approached him and saw Stanley on the top and cursed my luck.  I tried to ask him if there was anything good but he obviously didn't want to look at them with me, like I was gonna mug him or something

So, oh well.  But what I assume was the same donation yielded a bunch of interesting strategy board games, which I bought.

*Pic here* ]]>