NintendoAge -Sqooner 3-Screw Gyromite 2017-02-19T13:40:14 -05.00 05sonicblue 7 Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker

You'd probably need some of the variant regulars to pipe in on this one. I know it was around $50 for a few years, not sure if it's moved either way lately.
Originally posted by: Ichinisan

I've seen these before. Sellers on eBay always say "5-SCREW!!!!" because they know people are looking for the Famicom adapter inside a small portion of the 5-screw carts.

Actually, I'd wager most have no idea why they're saying "5-SCREW!!!" in their listings.

The "sell one like this" button.   ]]>
3-Screw Gyromite 2017-02-18T23:02:18 -05.00 05sonicblue 7 Originally posted by: Mentally Hilarious

 There was a 5 screw Jaws on ebay earlier in the week that sold
Thats awesome!  Im glad my 5 screw Jaws is finally going up in value.
3-Screw Gyromite 2017-02-18T20:26:06 -05.00 05sonicblue 7 3-Screw Gyromite 2017-02-18T19:45:48 -05.00 05sonicblue 7 3-Screw Gyromite 2017-02-18T19:04:40 -05.00 05sonicblue 7  
Originally posted by: Ichinisan

I've seen these before. Sellers on eBay always say "5-SCREW!!!!" because they know people are looking for the Famicom adapter inside a small portion of the 5-screw carts.

Actually, I'd wager most have no idea why they're saying "5-SCREW!!!" in their listings. ]]>
3-Screw Gyromite 2017-02-18T18:53:03 -05.00 05sonicblue 7 3-Screw Gyromite 2017-02-18T18:44:11 -05.00 05sonicblue 7
​I'm also wondering if it's just a fake label. The Nintendo seal seems to be pretty far in when it's usually hanging closer to the right edge.
