NintendoAge -Sqooner Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T20:30:01 -05.00 Atarian75 28 Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T14:54:38 -05.00 Atarian75 28 Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T14:41:03 -05.00 Atarian75 28 Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T14:33:13 -05.00 Atarian75 28
Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T14:25:06 -05.00 Atarian75 28
This is the ice cube tray I received:
No ice yet, but I'll be using it soon.
Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T12:54:41 -05.00 Atarian75 28
And no problem knocking me out. I was in 4th with 29600ish with like 20 or so minutes to go. I thought it might stand cause fifth place at the time was 21k, but I had to go back and check on my booth. I should have stole some time from you guys and bought more chances. But i only played 2 times. So, I can't complain for coming in 6th. I could have had 3 tetris'es, but on my first go, i figured I'd post a score. I had 2 lines left, and just cleared them rather than building. Oh well. Hopefully there will be a next time.

That last round sounds horrible. I wish you won Rizz. Thanks for you condolences. No worries though. ]]>
Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T12:14:46 -05.00 Atarian75 28
The tetris competition was a blast. The qualification round took the top 4 scores in Tetris Game B speed 5, height 5. Based on the posted top scores, you needed a minimum of 2 tetrises during your game. Doable, but not incredibly easy (there is a bit of luck involved as far as getting the straight piece at the right time). At only $2 per entry, I purchased 5 entries right off the bat. My third entry qualified me (29,997 points), and my fourth entry was even better (31k). Sorry UncleTusk, I think it was me who knocked you out. You rocked though (as did NESKing and NESQueen - they just didn't get the straight pieces they needed).

It was me against 3 other guys in the finals, 1 person eliminated each round. They had 'interesting' game modes for the finals. First mode was straight up tetris for 1.5 minutes. One guy messed up a single placement and he was eliminated. Next round was Level 0, Next piece off, 45 seconds. I was on the chopping block, but the last guy that played failed to get a tetris (all double and triple lines), so it was me against another guy for the last match. The mode? Level 9, NO ROTATION. Ugh, what a crappy way to select a finalist. The other guy ended up getting several more lines cleared, and got the better score. So, I ended up with 2nd place, and my prize was a Tetris ice cube tray, hehe. ]]>
Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T09:58:52 -05.00 Atarian75 28
Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-23T08:43:39 -05.00 Atarian75 28 ~~NGD ]]> Midwest Gaming Classic 2009-03-22T22:36:37 -05.00 Atarian75 28
It was really outstanding to meet everyone that stopped by my booth. I'll definitely do it again next year. Everyone there was great. I love putting faces with names. ]]>