NintendoAge -Sqooner I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-02T00:28:34 -05.00 hatlessspider 16
We may just try using the composite video output for most game systems, and maybe I will lug my 200 lb tv in for Atari and duck hunt.

Ive been considering buying converter so maybe I'll just buy one retrotink and see if my friend would buy one so we at least have a couple tvs with good quality video

Thanks for all the suggestions! ]]>
I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T22:20:43 -05.00 hatlessspider 16 I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T19:20:59 -05.00 hatlessspider 16 I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T17:45:08 -05.00 hatlessspider 16 Originally posted by: gunpei
How so? If the TVs have composite (and RF for the Atari). I know some don't these days but this hasn't been stated yet. He did say he wanted undistorted video. RF on an HDTV isn't pretty.

I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T17:33:47 -05.00 hatlessspider 16
If it's more about size/convenience than cost RetroTink would be the easiest "cheap" setup, but I wouldn't personally spend $100 per TV for a one time church event. I'd probably just let them live with the bad HDTV composite. Surely you need a CRT for at least the Atari though. ]]>
I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T16:47:02 -05.00 hatlessspider 16 Originally posted by: Tulpa
Originally posted by: hatlessspider

I'd rather not do emulators, part of the wonder of it is playing the old hardware itself.

As far as the systems, last time I did from Atari 2600 all the way up to dreamcast.
Nes, SNES, N64 PS2, PS1, the works
Then you're looking at considerably more expense to hook up all those systems to modern TVs.

How so? If the TVs have composite (and RF for the Atari). I know some don't these days but this hasn't been stated yet. ]]>
I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T16:03:27 -05.00 hatlessspider 16   ]]> I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T14:21:06 -05.00 hatlessspider 16 I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T14:15:58 -05.00 hatlessspider 16 Originally posted by: hatlessspider

I'd rather not do emulators, part of the wonder of it is playing the old hardware itself.

As far as the systems, last time I did from Atari 2600 all the way up to dreamcast.
Nes, SNES, N64 PS2, PS1, the works Then you're looking at considerably more expense to hook up all those systems to modern TVs.

Get a RetroTink for each system/TV. $100 a pop.

I have a youth pastor friend that wants me to set up a classic video game night for his teen group 2019-08-01T14:12:37 -05.00 hatlessspider 16 All I would have to hook up would be a few systems and they could test out all the awful games.
Although spiritual warfare is a solid game ]]>